So this is now my 5th article in the series of presenting to you a few non-toxic natural alternative cancer treatments. This article will be dedicated to a treatment called Protocel®. Unlike the previous treatments mentioned, Protocel® is a chemical formula (totally natural however), which was developed at by a scientist called Jim Sheridan (Michigan USA), between 1936 and the 1990’s and who was very profound in his Christian faith.
Sheridan had initially called his product by the scientific name KC49, however he later changed the name to “Entelev®” (taken from the Greek word ‘entelechy’ meaning ‘that part of man known only to God’) since he believed that the basic idea for the formula was a direct gift from God through a dream which he had after many years of prayers (Jim was a devout Christian and constantly prayed for God to direct his steps and give him the ability to use his intellect for the good of all mankind. He also prayed to find a cure for cancer). It was later on renamed “Cancell®” and is now currently being sold as “Protocel®”. They are all one and the same product. Protocel® however has 2 formulas Protocel 23® (the former Entelev®) and Protocel 50® (the former cancel). When he could not get his formula approved, he gave the product away fro free (this was the magnitude of his altruism).
Protocel® is possibly the only alternative treatment with so many documented success stories. Tanya Harter Pierce in her book “Outsmart Your Cancer” has quite a few success case stories in chapter 10 of her book. Here is one of them below:
Case Story #4 – Breast Cancer Metastasized to Bones
"A story of breast cancer metastasized to the bones was told to me by a woman named Roberta. Roberta was 65 years old when I spoke with her, but when she was only 41, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. This was in October 1979. Back in those days, doctors didn’t do lumpectomies, they just went straight to mastectomy. So she underwent a mastectomy immediately after her diagnosis and, during the surgery, five of her lymph nodes were removed to see if the cancer had already metastasized. Unfortunately, it had. After the surgery, Roberta was treated for about six months with chemotherapy and toward the end of that period, she also went through a three-week round of radiation.
Roberta went through the full treatment regimen that her doctor had planned for her. But after completing it, she started having some physical problems as a result of the chemotherapy and the radiation. One of the problems was that, as a result of the radiation being targeted near her throat, Roberta began having serious difficulty swallowing. The other problem was that she suddenly developed insulin-dependent diabetes. The last development was quite a surprise, since she had never suffered from any sort of diabetes before, nor had she shown the signs that she was starting to develop it.
After receiving the lumpectomy, chemo, and radiation, Roberta was given a bone scan. But the results showed that the cancer was not gone and had, instead, metastasized to her bones with spots on her clavicle and ribs. Luckily for Roberta, she had heard about Entelev® and had already started taking it. Her doctor didn’t think the Entelev® would do her any good but didn’t discourage her from taking it.
A couple of months after her first bone scan, Roberta was given a second scan. This time the suspicious spots had reduced in size considerably. For a number of months more, Roberta did nothing in terms of treatment except take Entelev®. In those days there wasn’t as much known about the effects of diet or supplements on cancer, and so she didn’t take any other nutritional supplements or do anything different with her diet at all. She stayed on the Entelev® until all of her scans and blood tests were completely normal and the doctors couldn’t find evidence of any cancer whatsoever. Then she continued to take the formula for a few months more just to be sure. She hasn’t had a recurrence of her cancer since. Roberta has been monitored regularly by a cancer specialist for the past 23 years, and all her tests have continued to be normal."
How does Protocel® work?
This is best decribed by Ty Bollinger in his book “Cancer Step Outside the Box” as follows:
The process by which our cells produce and distribute energy is called cellular “respiration” or “metabolism.” Most people think of respiration as breathing, but every living cell in the body is technically involved in respiration, because the term “respiration” also refers to a chemical reaction in a cell which involves oxygen and which provides energy to the cell. Crucial to the respiratory system of each cell in our body is a process called “reduction oxidation,” also referred to as the “redox” system. According to Jim Sheridan, “This system can be thought of as a ladder, with a different chemical reaction taking place on each step…the bottom steps of the ladder involve relatively simple or ‘primitive’ respiratory reactions. The primitive reactions at the bottom of the ladder take place without oxygen being present. The higher respiratory reactions require the presence of oxygen. Generally, for reduction you move down the ladder. For oxidation you move up the ladder.”
Protocel™ was designed to take advantage of the fact that the cancer cell is “straddling the fence” by acting like a catechol, inhibiting respiration at the critical point and effectively forcing the cell to move further down the respiration ladder; so it is completely into the primitive stage. Once the cell is entirely in the primitive stage, the body recognizes it and will attack and dispose of it naturally. In some places (like the brain) the body will form a crust like membrane around the primitive cells. There will be the tumor but it is dead and enclosed. In other places (skin cancer) the body will effectively digest it in a process called lysis (self‐digestion). But won’t a decrease in cellular respiration also damage normal cells? Plain and simply, the answer is “no.” Remember, normal cells are working well within their potential to produce energy as they are near the top of the respiration ladder. Since normal cells work at such a high level of the redox system, if their respiration potential is reduced somewhat, it is no real problem for them. According to James Sheridan, “No special diet is required … However, do not take mega doses of vitamins C and E while taking Entelev/Cancell. The chemical make up of these two vitamins shifts the point on the Oxidation‐Reduction ladder where Entelev/Cancell works. Since Entelev/Cancell was designed to hit hardest at the ‘critical point,’ any shift will reduce the effectiveness of Entelev/Cancell.” http://alternativecancer.us/how.htm#diet
There is a whole lot more to be learnt about Protocel so if there is anyone out there who would like to give it (or any other alternative treatment) a try, I would definitely suggest further reading of the two books quoted from above and listed under the sources below.
Be blessed and stay healthy!
1. Outsmart Your Cancer – Tanya Harter Pierce: www.outsmartyourcancer.com
2. Cancer Step Outside the Box – Ty Bollinger: www.CancerTruth.net