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Saturday, 26 November 2011


So this is now my 5th article in the series of presenting to you a few non-toxic natural alternative cancer treatments. This article will be dedicated to a treatment called Protocel®. Unlike the previous treatments mentioned, Protocel® is a chemical formula (totally natural however), which was developed at by a scientist called Jim Sheridan (Michigan USA), between 1936 and the 1990’s and who was very profound in his Christian faith.

Sheridan had initially called his product by the scientific name KC49, however he later changed the name to “Entelev®” (taken from the Greek word ‘entelechy’ meaning ‘that part of man known only to God’) since he believed that the basic idea for the formula was a direct gift from God through a dream which he had after many years of prayers (Jim was a devout Christian and constantly prayed for God to direct his steps and give him the ability to use his intellect for the good of all mankind. He also prayed to find a cure for cancer). It was later on renamed “Cancell®” and is now currently being sold as “Protocel®”. They are all one and the same product. Protocel® however has 2 formulas Protocel 23® (the former Entelev®) and Protocel 50® (the former cancel). When he could not get his formula approved, he gave the product away fro free (this was the magnitude of his altruism).

Protocel® is possibly the only alternative treatment with so many documented success stories. Tanya Harter Pierce in her book “Outsmart Your Cancer” has quite a few success case stories in chapter 10 of her book. Here is one of them below:

Case Story #4 – Breast Cancer Metastasized to Bones
     "A story of breast cancer metastasized to the bones was told to me by a woman named Roberta. Roberta was 65 years old when I spoke with her, but when she was only 41, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. This was in October 1979. Back in those days, doctors didn’t do lumpectomies, they just went straight to mastectomy. So she underwent a mastectomy immediately after her diagnosis and, during the surgery, five of her lymph nodes were removed to see if the cancer had already metastasized. Unfortunately, it had.  After the surgery, Roberta was treated for about six months with chemotherapy and toward the end of that period, she also went through a three-week round of radiation.
    Roberta went through the full treatment regimen that her doctor had planned for her.  But after completing it, she started having some physical problems as a result of the chemotherapy and the radiation.  One of the problems was that, as a result of the radiation being targeted near her throat, Roberta began having serious difficulty swallowing. The other problem was that she suddenly developed insulin-dependent diabetes. The last development was quite a surprise, since she had never suffered from any sort of diabetes before, nor had she shown the signs that she was starting to develop it.
     After receiving the lumpectomy, chemo, and radiation, Roberta was given a bone scan. But the results showed that the cancer was not gone and had, instead, metastasized to her bones with spots on her clavicle and ribs. Luckily for Roberta, she had heard about Entelev® and had already started taking it. Her doctor didn’t think the Entelev® would do her any good but didn’t discourage her from taking it.
     A couple of months after her first bone scan, Roberta was given a second scan. This time the suspicious spots had reduced in size considerably. For a number of months more, Roberta did nothing in terms of treatment except take Entelev®. In those days there wasn’t as much known about the effects of diet or supplements on cancer, and so she didn’t take any other nutritional supplements or do anything different with her diet at all.  She stayed on the Entelev® until all of her scans and blood tests were completely normal and the doctors couldn’t find evidence of any cancer whatsoever.  Then she continued to take the formula for a few months more just to be sure. She hasn’t had a recurrence of her cancer since. Roberta has been monitored regularly by a cancer specialist for the past 23 years, and all her tests have continued to be normal."
How does Protocel® work?
This is best decribed by Ty Bollinger in his book “Cancer Step Outside the Box” as follows:

Protocel™ is the world’s most effective free radical scavenger (antioxidant). It is designed to specifically target anaerobic cells in the body by interfering with the production of ATP energy in all of the cells in your body, which in turn lowers the voltage of each cell by between 10% and 20%. The reason that I say that Protocel™ targets anaerobic (i.e., cancer) cells is simple. All the cells of our body have a specific voltage, or electrical charge. Healthy cells have a very high voltage, while unhealthy (anaerobic) cells have a very low voltage, due to the fact that they produce energy via fermentation. The slight reduction in voltage causes anaerobic cancer cells to shift downward to a point below the minimum that they need to remain intact, thus the cells basically selfdestruct and break apart, or “lyse” into harmless proteins. The healthy cells of the body typically have such a high normal voltage that the slight reduction in voltage caused by Protocel™ does not harm them.

The process by which our cells produce and distribute energy is called cellular “respiration” or “metabolism.” Most people think of respiration as breathing, but every living cell in the body is technically involved in respiration, because the term “respiration” also refers to a chemical reaction in a cell which involves oxygen and which provides energy to the cell. Crucial to the respiratory system of each cell in our body is a process called “reduction oxidation,” also referred to as the “redox” system. According to Jim Sheridan, “This system can be thought of as a ladder, with a different chemical reaction taking place on each step…the bottom steps of the ladder involve relatively simple or ‘primitive’ respiratory reactions. The primitive reactions at the bottom of the ladder take place without oxygen being present. The higher respiratory reactions require the presence of oxygen. Generally, for reduction you move down the ladder. For oxidation you move up the ladder.”

Protocel™ was designed to take advantage of the fact that the cancer cell is “straddling the fence” by acting like a catechol, inhibiting respiration at the critical point and effectively forcing the cell to move further down the respiration ladder; so it is completely into the primitive stage. Once the cell is entirely in the primitive stage, the body recognizes it and will attack and dispose of it naturally. In some places (like the brain) the body will form a crust like membrane around the primitive cells. There will be the tumor but it is dead and enclosed. In other places (skin cancer) the body will effectively digest it in a process called lysis (selfdigestion). But won’t a decrease in cellular respiration also damage normal cells? Plain and simply, the answer is “no.” Remember, normal cells are working well within their potential to produce energy as they are near the top of the respiration ladder. Since normal cells work at such a high level of the redox system, if their respiration potential is reduced somewhat, it is no real problem for them. According to James Sheridan, “No special diet is required … However, do not take mega doses of vitamins C and E while taking Entelev/Cancell. The chemical make up of these two vitamins shifts the point on the OxidationReduction ladder where Entelev/Cancell works. Since Entelev/Cancell was designed to hit hardest at the ‘critical point,’ any shift will reduce the effectiveness of Entelev/Cancell.”

There is a whole lot more to be learnt about Protocel so if there is anyone out there who would like to give it (or any other alternative treatment) a try, I would definitely suggest further reading of the two books quoted from above and listed under the sources below.

Be blessed and stay healthy!

1.        Outsmart Your Cancer – Tanya Harter Pierce:
2.        Cancer Step Outside the Box – Ty Bollinger:

Friday, 18 November 2011


- Natural Cancer cure
In keeping my promise to you, this is the 4th article in the series of presenting some natural non-toxic alternative cancer treatments. Unfortunately many cancer patients only seek alternative treatments for cancer after they have been ‘slashed’ (surgery); ‘poisoned’ (chemo); or ‘burned’ (radiation) by conventional medicine and then left to die in a hospice. For them, these natural treatments will still work but the success rate will not be at the 90+% rate that it could have been if the natural treatment was used from the very beginning. This is a point that should be carefully noted.

This week I am featuring the powerful natural healing compound found in grapes called Resveratrol. In the early 1920’s Johanna Brandt of South Africa declared that she cured her stomach cancer with what she calls ‘The Grape Cure’ and later on she wrote a book revealing the specifics of exactly how she rid herself of this cancer. You will therefore hear this alternative treatment referred to as “The Brandt Grape Cure” in the alternative circles. It was in later years however that Resveratrol was unearthed. Resveratrol is also a powerful anti-aging compound and it is good for other conditions such as nerve cells repair and cardiovascular health.

Here are some Author’s Quotes on Resveratrol, which I have taken from the Natural News website:

Virtually every pathway for tumor growth and propagation is blocked by resveratrol. Researchers appear to have developed a consensus that low concentrations of resveratrol cannot only counteract tumor initiation but can inhibit tumor cell survival. Resveratrol targets the very machinery inside cells that promote tumor cell survival. It appears to be able to concentrate its action on tumor cells rather than healthy cells. Resveratrol has also has the ability to induce cancer cells, but not normal cells, to die off. 
- You Don't Have to be Afraid of Cancer Anymore by Bill Sardi

Anderson Cancer Center reviewed dozens of studies on resveratrol and concluded that it exhibited anticancer properties against a widerange of tumor cells, including lymphoid and myeloid cancers, multiple myeloma, cancers of the breast, prostate, stomach, colon, pancreas, and thyroid, melanoma, head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, ovarian, carcinoma, and cervical carcinoma. The researchers concluded that"resveratrol appears to exhibit therapeutic effects against cancer." Resveratrol may be one of the best antiaging substances around.
- The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth: The Surprising, Unbiased Truth About What You Should Eat and Why by Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S.

This may also be why resveratrol has such powerful research showing it not only prevents cancer, but may actually be considered as a treatment. resveratrol stops cancer in a variety of ways, from blocking estrogens and androgens to modulating genes. It has even shown a 30-71 percent ability to block bone metastasis. resveratrol appears to moderate the body's detrimental inflammatory response to injury of the brain and spinal cord. It has also been shown to protect on many levels, including the antioxidant level, against heart and blood vessel disease.
- Spiritual Nutrition: Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of Kundalini by Gabriel Cousens, M.D.

An 8-ounce glass of red wine provides approximately 640 mcg of resveratrol, while a handful of peanuts provides about 73 mcg of resveratrol. Resveratrol supplements (often found in combination with grape extracts or other antioxidants) are generally taken in the amount of 200-600 mcg per day. This is far less than the amount used in animal studies to prevent cancer : equivalent to more than 500 mg (500,000 meg) per day for an average-sized human.
- The Natural Pharmacy: Complete A-Z Reference to Natural Treatments for Common Health Conditions byAlan R. Gaby, M.D., Jonathan V. Wright, M.D., Forrest Batz, Pharm.D., Rick Chester, RPh., N.D., DipLAc. George Constantine, R.Ph., Ph.D.Linnea D. Thompson, Pharm.D.,

Red grapes produce a phytochemical called resveratrol, which protects them from ultraviolet radiation, fungus infections, and other stressors. Resveratrol activates anti-aging genes that stimulate the production of proteins that circulate in your body, throwing overboard cells that aren't pulling their weight and rejuvenating cells damaged by Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs). But don't rush out to the health food store to buy resveratrol capsules, which are generally worthless because resveratrol is inactivated by exposure to oxygen.
- Dr. Gundry's Diet Evolution: Turn Off the Genes That Are Killing You - And Your Waistline - And Drop the Weight for Good by Dr. Steven R. Gundry

Research highlights a number of resveratrol effects relevant to the cardiovascular system: Antioxidant, Inhibits peroxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), Reduces platelet aggregation. Resveratrol has also been shown to function as a cancer chemopreventive agent. Such agents reduce the incidence of tumorigenesis by intervening at one or more of the stages of carcinogenesis. In research, resveratrol demonstrated chemopreventive activity in assays representing three major stages of carcinogenesis: initiation, promotion, and progression.
- Medical Herbalism: The Science Principles and Practices Of Herbal Medicine by David Hoffman, FNIMH, AHG

Other researchers are impressed with the range of activity that resveratrol appears to have against cancer, and some believe that there may be even more powerful agents to be found in fruits and vegetables. Thomas W. Kensler of the Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health said that the resveratrol discovery "provides the scientific underpinnings" for studies that have found health benefits from grapes and wine. Grapeseed extract is a commercial grape formulation that does not contain resveratrol.
- The Natural Pharmacist: Your Complete Guide to Reducing Cancer Risk by Richard Harkness

Be Blessed and stay healthy!

Saturday, 12 November 2011


The Natural Cancer Cure
This is the 3rd article in the series of presenting some natural cancer cures as alternative cancer treatments.

The Mangosteen is a fruit that is grown in South East Asia and has a huge amount of health benefits (not only for cancer). It is packed with over 40 xanthones and one of those in particular has been proven to be excellent at shrinking tumours and getting rid of cancer cells. If you decide to try it however make sure to get the juice (not the tablets) as liquids have over 98% absorption rates as opposed to only 48% or so from tablets. The following is taken directly from the Cancer Tutor website:

TREATMENT RATING: While there are those who consider Mangosteen to be a primary cancer treatment, this Cancer Tutor website considers Mangosteen to be a primary cancer treatment only for newly diagnosed cancer patients. For advanced cancer patients this treatment is considered a highly recommended supplemental protocol!! Mangosteen provides critical nutrients to the non-cancerous cells and will likely kill many cancer cells. But this website does not consider it strong enough to be a primary treatment for advanced cancer patients.
Chapter on Treatments Rated For Advanced Cancer Patients

How It Works
Various studies have shown that phytoceuticals in Mangosteen (in some cases known to be its xanthones) have properties such as: anti-tumor (shrinks tumors), anti-leukemia, antifungal (critical for all cancer patients), antibacterial (to protect DNA), antioxidants (at least two dozen different kinds of xanthones are in the mangosteen fruit), antiproliferation, kills cancer cells and causes apoptosis (programmed cell death) for some types of cancer. This is a pretty impressive list of cancer credentials!
Mangosteen Treatment
In keeping with the superb anti-cancer properties of many kinds of fruits, especially grapes and berries, mangosteen can be added to this exclusive list.
The mangosteen fruit (Garcinia mangostana L.) is grown in Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, India and several other countries. Most of the scientific research on this fruit involves about a half dozen of the two dozen known xanthones in this fruit. Most of the xanthones in Mangosteen have yet to be researched. Mangosteen has a wide range of benefits, perhaps most result from its xanthone phytoceuticals/antioxidants. However, mangosteen also contains: catechins, polyphenols, minerals and vitamins.
As an antioxidant, mangosteen is very high among plants:
  • "A new laboratory test known as ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) has also shown that an ounce of mangosteen juice has 20 to 30 times the ability to absorb free radicals than one ounce of most fruits and vegetables. The ORAC test is one of the most accurate ways to measure the ability of antioxidants in a certain substance to absorb free radicals. The higher the ORAC score, the better the food is for the body."
    Site is Down
Here are some of the xanthones in mangosteen:
Garcinone A
Garcinone B
Garcinone C
Garcinone D
Garcinone E
In terms of direct studies on cancer, the following quote is related to cancer:
  • "We found that antiproliferative effect of CME [crude methanolic extract] was associated with apoptosis on breast cancer cell line by determinations of morphological changes and oligonucleosomal DNA fragments. In addition, CME at various concentrations and incubation times were also found to inhibit ROS production. These investigations suggested that the methanolic extract from the pericarp [skin] of Garcinia mangostana had strong antiproliferation, potent antioxidation and induction of apoptosis. Thus, it indicates that this substance can show different activities and has potential for cancer chemoprevention which were dose dependent as well as exposure time dependent."
    "Antiproliferation, antioxidation and induction of apoptosis by Garcinia mangostana (mangosteen) on SKBR3 human breast cancer cell line," by Moongkarndi P, Kosem N, Kaslungka S, Luanratana O, Pongpan N, Neungton N.
Heres is another study:
  • "Our results have shown that one of the xanthone derivatives which could be identified as garcinone E has potent cytotoxic effect on all HCC cell lines as well as on other gastric and lung cancer cell lines included in the screen. We suggest that garcinone E may be potentially useful for the treatment of certain types of cancer."
    "Garcinone E, a Xanthone Derivative, has Potent Cytotoxic Effect Against Hepatocellular Carcinome Cell Lines" by Chi-Kuan Ho, Yu-Ling Huang and Chieh-Chih Chen
Some of the more impressive research on mangosteen involve leukemia:
  • "We examined the effects of six xanthones from the pericarps of mangosteen, Garcinia mangostana, on the cell growth inhibition of human leukemia cell line HL60. All xanthones displayed growth inhibitory effects. Among them, alpha-mangostin showed complete inhibition at 10 microM through the induction of apoptosis."
    "Induction of apoptosis by xanthones from mangosteen in human leukemia cell lines," by Matsumoto K, Akao Y, Kobayashi E, Ohguchi K, Ito T, Tanaka T, Iinuma M, Nozawa Y.
More mangosteen scientific studies can be found at:
One of the nice things about mangosteen is not only that it tastes good, but is also anti-diarrhoeal, meaning you are not likely to get diarrhoea from drinking too much Mangosteen.
Here is how to get totally unbiased information about Mangosteen (from Dr. Duke):
This is the world famous Dr. Duke's Agricultural Research Service:
1) Click on this website:
2) Click on Chemicals and activities,
3) Select 'Common Name' then type in 'mangosteen' in the search box,
4) Select 'Print chemical activities after chemicals' then Submit Query. Read all the way down the page.
Important Comments
Important Warning: Due to the fact that many cancer patients have liver damage, frequently due to chemotherapy, and due to the fact that high doses of this product may, in rare cases, contribute to liver damage; doses of this product should not exceed 3 or 4 ounces a day. Those who already have liver damage should avoid this product.
An alternative cancer treatment should be a complete treatment protocol. Do NOT forget to study the complete treatment protocol for Stage I, II and III cancer patients and the complete treatment protocol for Stage IV cancer patients:
Treatment For Stage I, II and III Cancer Patients
Treatment For Stage IV Cancer Patients

Here are other links that have quite a few testimonials of persons who have been cured from cancer by using Mangosteen:

In this You Tube video Dr Templeton talks about the anti-tumour effects of Mangosteen:

One Luv! Be Blessed & Stay Healthy!

Friday, 28 October 2011

GINSENG - Aglycolin Sapogenin or AGS

-The Natural Cancer Cure
In keeping with my promise to bring you some natural cancer fighters, this is the second in the series. Please read carefully however, because it is only a particular chemical which is found in Ginseng that fights the cancer so don’t run off shopping for any kind of Ginseng Extract that you can find! This is an article reproduced from Lee Euler’s “Cancer Defeated - Newsletter”:

This Herbal Extract Kills
Cancer Cells On Contact!

Asian medicine has a head start of a few thousand years when it comes to using a certain famous herb for medicinal reasons. Asian healers were the first to recognize its unique ability to cure a variety of ailments. Now new research shows a specific chemical found in this herb may be a much better cancer killer than the whole herb.
Ginseng is an adaptogen—a substance that regulates various body functions depending on individual needs. Eastern medical practitioners have used this Chinese herb to:
  • Boost the immune system
  • Enhance memory
  • Normalize blood pressure…
  • Reduce stress…
  • Restore memory and cognitive abilities…
  • Treat pulmonary problems…
Now Western doctors are noticing the growing body of scientific research that proves a specific chemical in ginseng —aglycolin sapogenin or AGS— very well may be an ideal cancer killer.
In some laboratory tests on melanoma tumors1, AGS completely destroyed cancer cells within 24 hours of contact! And with nearly zero toxicity and no side effects, AGS may be one of the safest cancer treatments available. Study after study has reported that no side effects were observed.
The AGS group of sapogenins is also called R-family sapogenins. If you see this term on a product, it means the same thing as AGS.
When it comes to ginseng and cancer,
you don't want the whole thing
Ginseng contains substances called ginsenosides. Ginsenosides are the major active ingredients of ginseng root, and commercial ginseng products typically are standardized to contain about 4 to 7 percent ginsenosides. The amount can vary widely depending on the brand you buy, and on top of that there are 30 different types of ginsenoside.
But in any case you won't get the benefits of the AGS breakthrough by taking ginseng, no matter how rich it is in ginsenosides. The new treatment is based on the fact that each ginsenoside contains a sugar (glycon) and a non-sugar (aglycon) component.
The glucose-formed components are great for strengthening your immune system and forming healthy cells in your body. They fuel cell growth. Unfortunately, these compounds can't tell the difference between healthy cells and cancer cells.
Remember, cancer cells LOVE sugar! They'll gobble up as much of it as you make available—and it helps them keep growing and growing….
Obviously if you've been diagnosed with cancer, you DON'T want the abnormal cells to multiply. The key is to tap into the non-sugar components of ginsenosides, one of which is AGS.
Dr. William Jia, associate professor of research and neurosurgery at the University of British Columbia2, said AGS attacks cancer cells in several ways, including:
  • Apoptosis—or self-destruction in cancer cells; Jia said AGS can activate an enzyme that causes apoptosis. It also can increase the levels of free radicals in cancer cells to cause this internal combustion.
  • Increasing absorption of cancer drugs—AGS can work with other anti-cancer agents to prevent drug resistance in cancer cells.
  • Changing cancer cells to benign cells—In one Japanese study3, AGS not only stopped liver cancer cells from growing, it actually changed them back into normal cells.
Jia said the AGS attack plan is more effective than standard cancer treatments because cancer cells tend to mutate while they multiply. This means the same tumor can have several different types of cancer cells.
Conventional treatments might be effective for one type of tumor cell—and completely useless for other cancer cells in the same tumor. The idea of "drug resistant" cancer cells is becoming more and more important as we learn how cancer works.
In this respect AGS stands head and shoulders above mainstream medical treatments. Researchers have shown that these compounds can attack all types of cancer cells.
Jia highlighted scientific studies that tested sapogenins on human brain, breast and prostate cancer cells. He said research shows these plant chemicals were successful in killing ALL of these cancers.
Jia was actually writing about a group of plant compounds known as "dammarane sapogenins," which are classified as AGS but are NOT derived from ginseng. The dammarene sapogenins are similar but not identical to AGS from ginseng, but they're much less rare and expensive. He believes dammarene sapogenins are a reasonable alternative to the ginseng extract.
AGS can also protect you from developing harmful cancer cells in the first place…
Who else wants a nearly bulletproof cancer shield?
You've likely heard the saying that "the best offense is a good defense." This definitely holds true if you include AGS in your arsenal of cancer prevention weapons!
Dr. Jia mentions three ways AGS helps shield your body from cancer:
  1. AGS is a TUMOR TERMINATOR— Cancer develops when a single abnormal cell is able to divide and spread. Administered in low doses, AGS can stop the cycle of cell division and prevent tumor formation.
  2. AGS helps PURGE POISONS— P450s are enzymes that help your body metabolize drugs and other chemicals in your body. These enzymes also cause you to absorb many environmental substances that become highly carcinogenic to your system.
Studies suggest AGS may inhibit P450s and cause a slowdown in the production of these carcinogens to allow effective removal by the body.
  1. AGS can ELIMINATE EXCESS ESTROGEN— Numerous studies show prolonged exposure to estrogen can result in breast cancer growth. The same is true with folks who undergo hormone replacement therapy.
Jia said study data show that AGS prevents estrogen from binding to receptors in your body. This helps stop breast cancer in its tracks.
Now before you go hoarding ginseng supplements in your cabinet—remember AGS is a cancer-fighting compound that must be extracted from the herb.
Even if you buy a ginseng product that contains 90 percent ginsenosides, much less the standard four or five percent, it doesn't matter when it comes to treating cancer. The ginsenosides have to be broken down into their component parts, the AGS or R-family sapogenins have to be extracted, and this active ingredient has to be taken by the patient in large amounts. For best results it appears this natural "drug" should be administered intravenously.
According to one estimate, it takes about 100 pounds of ginseng to make just one gram of AGS! So an AGS supplement is likely to cost a pretty penny. As I mentioned, the dammarene sapogenins extolled by Dr. Jia are derived from other plants and should be less expensive.
One company producing a potent AGS product is Pegasus Pharmaceuticals Group, Inc. of Canada. They produce AGS in both liquid and soft gel formulas. Called Careseng, the product contains a combination of ginseng-derived AGS and dammarene sapogenins.
Another AGS product, called Force C, is available at without a prescription. Force C was strongly recommended by the respected newsletter Health Science Institute some years ago.
Kindest regards,

Lee Euler,

1 Chen, J. et al. Research on the antitumor effect of ginsenoside Rg3 in B16 melanoma cells. Melanoma Res. 2008 Oct;18(5):322-9. Retrieved from
2Jia, W. "What is sapogenin?" Dammarane Sapogenin website. Retrieved from
3Odashima, S., et al. "Induction of phenotypic reverse transformation by plant glycosides in cultured cancer cells," Gan To Kagaku Ryoho, 1989 Apr;16(4 Pt 2-2):1483-9. Retrieved from

Be blessed & stay healthy!

Friday, 21 October 2011


-Natural Cancer Cure
October is Cancer Awareness Month and I am keeping my promise to bring you a natural cancer cure for the next couple of blogs. This is the story of the Canadian Nurse Rene Cassie as told by Ty Bollinger in his book “Cancer Step Outside The Box”:

“Back in 1922, a Canadian nurse named Rene Caisse noticed some scar tissue on the breast of an elderly woman. The woman told her that doctors had diagnosed her with breast cancer years before. However, the woman didn’t want to risk surgery, nor did she have the money for it. Providentially, she had met an old Indian medicine man who told her that he could cure her cancer with an herbal tea. The woman proceeded to tell Caisse about the ingredients in the tea. About a year later, Caisse was walking beside a retired doctor who pointed to a common weed and stated, “Nurse Caisse, if people would use this weed there would be little orno cancer in the world.” This “weed” (sheep sorrel) was one of the herbs in the medicine man’s formula. The doctor had watched his horse cure itself of cancer by repeatedly grazing in a particular part of the pasture where sheep sorrel grew.

In 1924, Caisse wanted to test the tea on her aunt who had been diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer and was given less than six months to live. Caisse asked the physician, Dr. R. O. Fisher, for permission to try the tea on her aunt, and he consented. Her aunt drank the herbal tea daily for two months and recovered. Amazingly, she lived for 20 more years! Caisse also tested the tea on her mother who had been diagnosed with terminal liver cancer and had been given less than two months to live. Remarkably, her mother lived another 18 years!

Dr. Fisher and nurse Caisse immediately began treating cancer patients with the magic tea, which she eventually named “Essiac,” which is “Caisse” spelled backwards. She healed thousands of terminal cancer victims with Essiac in her clinic between the mid 1920’s and the late 1930’s. At the height of her involvement, Caisse saw up to 600 patients a week. The majority of those whom she treated came on referral with letters from their physicians certifying they had incurable or terminal forms of cancer and that they had been given up by the medical profession as untreatable. It was typical for Nurse Caisse to give her patients the Essiac treatment at no cost.

After word of her impressive results spread to the United States, a leading diagnostician in Chicago introduced Caisse to Dr. John Wolfer, director of the tumor clinic at Northwestern University Medical School. In 1937, Wolfer arranged for Caisse to treat 30 terminal cancer patients under the direction of five doctors. She commuted from Canada across the border to Chicago, carrying her bottles of freshly prepared herbal brew. After supervising 18 months of Essiac therapy, the Chicago doctors concluded that the herbal mixture “prolonged life, shrank tumors, and relieved pain.” So effective were her free treatments that in 1938 her supporters gathered 55,000 signatures for a petition to present to the Ontario legislature to make Essiac Tea an official cancer treatment. She fell three votes short.

Caisse was not aware of the vast influence of Big Pharma and Big Medicine, which were (and still are) more interested in making money than in helping people. Essiac was cheap and nontoxic. It could cut into the huge lucrative profits generated from the “Big 3.” Caisse constantly played cat and mouse with Canadian federal health officials. They demanded clinical tests, but she stubbornly refused to divulge her formula unless she got official assurance that Essiac would not be lost to the people who needed it, since her primary loyalty was to the people who had come to depend on her. The authorities couldn’t give her the assurance she needed; thus, she never
divulged the formula.

 Even the world’s largest cancer research center, Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center in New York, could not convince Caisse to divulge her formula. A steady stream of doctors visited her in Canada, observing case files and talking to patients, pressuring her to sell them the formula. She was offered huge sums of money to commercialize Essiac but refused all but minimal amounts of payment for her services. Not surprisingly, Caisse was heavily persecuted and continually threatened with arrest. Finally, fearing prosecution, she closed the clinic in 1942 and went into seclusion.

Rene Caisse died in 1978, at the age of ninety. Before she died, she signed over the rights to the Essiac formula to two parties: Resperin Corporation of Toronto, to test, manufacture and distribute it, and to a longtrusted friend, Dr. Charles Brusch of Cambridge, Massachusetts, Director of the prestigious Brusch Clinic and personal physician to former President John F. Kennedy. Dr. Brusch himself had cancer of the lower bowel, which completely disappeared after Essiac treatments. Brusch once stated “I know Essiac has curing potential. It can lessen the condition of the individual, control it, and it can cure it.

Rene Caisse never published her formula. The only person she trusted to help her make Essiac was her best friend, Mary McPherson, who knew the formula by heart. Anyone with internet access can verify the correct Essiac formula that Caisse entrusted to Mary McPherson. Simply visit “The Rene M. Caisse Memorial Room” at and click on the “Essiac” hotlink.

There you will see this formula:
􀂾 6 1/2 cups cut up Burdock Root (cut into peasized pieces)
- For centuries, burdock root has been regarded as an effective blood purifier that neutralizes and eliminates poisons from the body. Studies have shown antitumor activity in burdock. Japanese scientists have isolated an antimutation property in burdock, which they call the “Bfactor.” A memo from the WHO revealed that burdock is effective against HIV.
􀂾 1 pound powdered Sheep Sorrel (including the roots)
- Caisse isolated sheep sorrel leaves as the main essiac herb that dissolves cancerous tumors. Sheep sorrel contains aloe emodin, a natural substance that shows significant antileukemic activity. Sheep sorrel contains antioxidants, is diuretic and has been used to check hemorrhages. Be sure to include the roots of Sheep Sorrel as well, as they are essential.
􀂾 1/4 cup powdered Slippery Elm Bark
- Slippery elm is wellknown for its soothing properties. It reduces inflammations such as sore throat, diarrhea, and urinary problems. It contains betasitosterol, which has shown anticancer activity.
􀂾 1 ounce powdered Turkish Rhubarb Root
- “Turkey Rhubarb” has been shown to have antitumor activity. It is diuretic, antiinflammatory, and antibacterial.

The preparation of Essiac Tea is as important as the formula itself. Essiac is a decoction, not an infusion. An infusion is what people do when they put a tea bag in a cup of hot water. Generally speaking, an infusion tends to extract vitamins and volatile oils. A decoction is used to extract minerals, etc. from roots, bark or seeds by boiling for several minutes and then allowing the herbs to steep for several hours. Entrepreneurs often sell Essiac imitations in tincture form (herbs in alcohol) or in gelatin capsules; neither form is Essiac because Essiac is a decoction.

1. Using a stainless steel pot and lid, boil ½ cup of herb mix in one gallon of pure, unchlorinated water for 10 minutes.
2. Turn off heat and allow herbs to steep for 12 hours.
3. Heat up tea to steaming, but not boiling. Allow herbs to settle a couple minutes.
4. Strain off hot liquid into sterilized canning jars. The remaining pulp can be used for healing poultices.
5. Refrigerate tea. For longterm storage use the boiling water bath canning method and store in a cool, dark, dry place.

For preventive purposes, people take one to two ounces per day diluted with about ½ cup of hot water. Be sure to drink plenty of water (at least half a gallon) each day to help flush the toxins out of your system. If you have cancer, you should take Essiac three times a day. Do not eat or drink anything (except water) one hour before to one hour after taking Essiac. Essiac tea is compatible with other alternative cancer treatments, except for Cancell. Do not take ProtocelTM with Essiac tea, since they tend to neutralize each other.

Some of the best information on the internet concerning Essiac tea can be found at Essiac.htm. I highly recommend that you visit their frequently asked questions page. Perhaps the best book written on this topic is called The Essiac Book and can be found at If you are going to use this treatment, you really should purchase the book.”

Ty Bollinger’s book has tons of other natural cancer cures I highly recommend it.

Be blessed and stay healthy!

Cancer – Step Outside The Box by Ty Bollinger -5th Edition

Saturday, 1 October 2011


Cancer has been taking far too many lives. It is high time that we sit up and take stock of our lifestyles and stop this monstrosity from destroying our lives. There are some very simple things that we can do, very simple lifestyle changes that we can make which will ensure that we do not fall in this cancer trap. Why do I call it the cancer trap? Well because it has now become very evident that certain powers within our society have no interest whatsoever in making cancer a thing of the past just like how polio and other dreaded illnesses became a thing of the past many years ago.

My friends, cancer is still with us today simply because of the amount of money that this disease pumps into the pharmaceutical industry. Chemotherapy is the largest revenue earner in the pharmaceutical industry! Notwithstanding the fact that it has only a 3% success rate! How many of you knew this? Whenever I tell people that I do not make donations to cancer research everyone looks at me very strangely. Well this is because billions of dollars have been pumped into so-called ‘cancer research’ yet still after all these years and thousands of researches the only 3 solutions that mainstream medicine can come up with to fight cancer are chemo, radiation and surgery. Think about it! I don’t know if it makes any sense to you but I cannot make any sense of it, especially seeing that there are so many known natural remedies which have up to 90% success rates and also many known lifestyle and diet changes which public health bodies can use to advise the public about which will go a far way towards preventing cancer. Why is this not being done? Simply because they have a vested interest in keeping cancer around for a very, very long time so they will do whatever it takes to keep us in the dark! Have you ever wondered why it is that mainstream medicine is not allowed to advise you about any other alternative cancer treatments except for chemo, radiation or surgery? This is because they went and got it legislated! Doctors in North America and by law only allowed to advise you of these three routes to fighting cancer. These 3 have the lowest success rate out of all the known cancer treatments! Why would they do that if they did not have a vested interest in keeping everyone in the cancer trap?

I am pretty sure that each person reading this article would have known someone, or can count quite a few persons whom you know has died of cancer. Ask your parents (if they are still around) if when they were your age they knew so many persons who died from cancer. I am willing to bet you that their answer will be ‘No’. Does this tell you anything?

I have therefore decided that for the next couple of blogs I post I will focus on one of the most popular alternative cancer treatments for each posting, so keep tuned. One of the main thing which you need to know is that you need to keep your body in a balanced state (between acidic and alkalinity), that is a PH balance of around 7 – 7.5. Cancer cells will thrive in an acidic body however they are starved if your body is alkaline! No matter how much cancer cells you have in your body, as long as your PH is maintained above an acidic rate (i.e. 7.5 and above) the cancer will not take hold of your body. To keep your body from becoming acidic then you need to avoid certain foods such as sugar, dairy and red meat (the only red meat that does not make your body acidic is goat meat). Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, drink lots of water and practice a regular exercise routine.

In the meanwhile (especially if you have a history of cancer in your family line) I would suggest that you follow these simple 12 lifestyle changes that Dr. Mercola suggests which will help to ensure that you keep cancer away from your doorsteps:
My Top 12 Tips for Cancer Prevention
Cancer is devastating far too many families and taking many way before their time. It's time to fight back and take control of your health by following the cancer-preventive lifestyle changes below.
1.           Avoid Fructose and Sugar

It's quite clear that if you want to avoid cancer, or are currently undergoing cancer treatment, you absolutely MUST avoid all forms of sugar -- especially fructose -- and this is largely due to its relation to insulin resistance.

According to Lewis Cantley, director of the Cancer Center at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center at Harvard Medical School, as much as 80 percent of all cancers are "driven by either mutations or environmental factors that work to enhance or mimic the effect of insulin on the incipient tumor cells," Gary Taubes reports.

Some cancer centers, such as the Cancer Centers of America, have fully embraced this knowledge and place their patients on strict low-sugar, low-grain diets. But conventional medicine in general has been woefully lax when it comes to highlighting the health dangers of this additive.

As a standard recommendation, I strongly advise keeping your TOTAL fructose consumption below 25 grams per day including fruits. But for most people it would also be wise to limit your fructose from fruit to 15 grams or less, as you're virtually guaranteed to consume "hidden" sources of fructose if you drink beverages other than water and eat processed food.
2.           Optimize Vitamin D

There's overwhelming evidence pointing to the fact that vitamin D deficiency plays a crucial role in cancer development. Researchers within this field have estimated that about 30 percent of cancer deaths -- which amounts to 2 million worldwide and 200,000 in the United States -- could be prevented each year simply by optimizing the vitamin D levels in the general population.

On a personal level, you can decrease your risk of cancer by MORE THAN HALF simply by optimizing your vitamin D levels with sun exposure. And if you are being treated for cancer it is likely that higher blood levels—probably around 80-90 ng/ml—would be beneficial.

If the notion that sun exposure actually prevents cancer is still new to you, I highly recommend you watch my one-hour vitamin D lecture to clear up any confusion. It's important to understand that the risk of skin cancer from the sun comes only from excessive exposure.
3.           Exercise

If you are like most people, when you think of reducing your risk of cancer, exercise doesn't immediately come to mind. However, there is some fairly compelling evidence that exercise can slash your risk of cancer. One of the primary ways exercise lowers your risk for cancer is by reducing elevated insulin levels, which creates a low sugar environment that discourages the growth and spread of cancer cells.

For example, physically active adults experience about half the incidence of colon cancer as their sedentary counterparts, and women who exercise regularly may reduce their breast cancer risk by 20 to 30 percent compared to those who are inactive.

It's important to include a large variety of techniques in your exercise routine, such as strength training, aerobics, core-building activities, and stretching. Most important of all, however, is to make sure you include high-intensity, burst-type exercise, such as Peak 8.

These exercises activate your super-fast twitch muscle fibers, which can increase your body's natural production of human growth hormone. For detailed instructions, please see this previous article.
4.           Get appropriate amounts of high quality animal-based omega-3 fats.
5.           Eat according to your nutritional type. The potent anti-cancer effects of this principle are very much underappreciated. When we treat cancer patients in our clinic this is one of the most powerful anti-cancer strategies we have.
6.           Have a tool to permanently erase the neurological short-circuiting that can activate cancer genes. Even the CDC states that 85 percent of disease is caused by emotions. It is likely that this factor may be more important than all the other physical ones listed here, so make sure this is addressed. My particular favorite tool for this purpose, as you may know, is the Emotional Freedom Technique.
7.           Only 25 percent of people eat enough vegetables, so by all means eat as many vegetables as you are comfortable with. Ideally, they should be fresh and organic. Cruciferous vegetables in particular have been identified as having potent anti-cancer properties. Remember that carb nutritional types may need up to 300 percent more vegetables than protein nutritional types.
8.           Maintain an ideal body weight.
9.           Get appropriate amounts of high-quality sleep.
10.      Reduce your exposure to environmental toxins like pesticides, household chemical cleaners, synthetic air fresheners and air pollution.
11.      Reduce your use of cell phones and other wireless technologies, and implement as many safety strategies as possible if/when you cannot avoid their use.
12.      Boil, poach or steam your foods, rather than frying or charbroiling them. Better yet eat as many of your foods raw as you can.

Be Blessed & Stay Healthy!
