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About Me

I am a frustrated 'Lawyer wannabe' who became a Chartered Accountant who is now very passionate about natural health care!...weird combinations eh! In high school I always wanted to become a lawyer, however my studies took me down another path to become a chartered accountant, so that is my main vocation but I read every article that I can lay my hands on about alternative medicine. It is my passion and I believe that too many people are dying unnecessarily because our health care system has failed them. I therefore thought that a good way to share my knowledge with others was to do a blog on issues that come up as I do my researches, which could prove to be helpful.

I have always said to people I know, if you are not well and you really want to  know the true reason for your illness then go to see a Natural Practitioner, however, if you are only interested in having your symptoms cleared up then go to your medical doctor, but rest assured that those symptoms will return once again

If you really want to know about how to take care of your body then read on and keep coming back for more. I endeavour to write on a different topic as often as I can! It is important that you know the facts about your health.

Love & Blessings and Stay Healthy!