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Sunday, 22 May 2011


Have you noticed how difficult it has become to find a deodorant on the shelves whether in the pharmacy or supermarket or wherever it is that you normally purchase these products? The products you will mostly find are all called ‘antiperspirants’. You might want to believe that they are one and the same however they are not. Deodorants act to neutralize the body odour that comes from sweating, while antiperspirants on the other hand prevent the body from sweating by using aluminium to block the pores. Many antiperspirants these days also have a deodorant component as they will also try to mask the odour. The only deodorants that you will find these days are the natural ones found in health food or natural vitamins stores! Why do you think this is so? I only discovered this in recent years since I have become such a fan of these stores! Well thank God because for years I have been searching and wondering what became of deodorants! I never did like the idea of antiperspirants blocking or clogging my pores and rendering my natural body function inactive, I simply had a feeling that something is not right about this.

So having discovered that it is mainly the natural stores that carry deodorants these days, it led me to believe that it might not just be the fact that antiperspirants block your sweat glands but that there is something in the ingredients of antiperspirants that might not be good for the body. I therefore decided to check this out. So in my ongoing quest to open your eyes to things that we are unconsciously exposing our bodies to that might be harmful to us I have decided to share my findings.

As mentioned before, all antiperspirants contain aluminium and some of them also contain a substance known as paraben which are preservatives used in some deodorants and antiperspirants that have been shown to mimic the activity of estrogen in the body’s cells. Parabens are usually easy to identify by name, such as methylparaben, propylparaben, butylparaben, or benzylparaben [so go check your antiperspirant ingredients and see]. If what you are using has in any ingredient that ends with ‘paraben’ then throw it out immediately!

For a number of years now there have been links of antiperspirants to breast cancer. This was taken directly from the National Cancer Institute website: “Some research suggests that aluminum-based compounds, which are applied frequently and left on the skin near the breast, may be absorbed by the skin and cause estrogen-like (hormonal) effects. Because estrogen has the ability to promote the growth of breast cancer cells, some scientists have suggested that the aluminum-based compounds in antiperspirants may contribute to the development of breast cancer”. What is interesting however is that notwithstanding these observations, both deodorants and antiperspirants are considered to be safe by the same National cancer Institute, the FDA, the American Cancer Society, and the Mayo Clinic!  The National Cancer Institute’s website also confirms that of a total of 20 samples that were taken from women with breast cancer, 18 out of 20 were found to contain high levels of paraben!  You can be the judge as to whether this is conclusive enough to still be considered safe!

Other studies have found that the artificial compound Aluminium is shown to cause genetic damage. Aluminium Zirconium Trichlorohydrex is in fact classified as a toxic chemical by the Environmental Working Group Skin Deep Database, because it has been found that it damages the human nervous system.

Aluminium is often used in a lot of items such as cooking utensils, containers, appliances and building materials.  It is also used in paints and to manufacture glassware, rubber and ceramics. When it comes on to consumer products, it can be found in astringents, antacids, food additives and of course antiperspirants. Aluminium is also used in water purification and so ti can therefore be in your drinking water. We therefore inhale aluminium by breathing and we ingest aluminium through our food and water, however aluminium is very poorly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract because roughly only 0.1% of what occurs in our diet is absorbed. Studies have shown however that a very high level of exposure to aluminium can affect the lungs and can cause neurological damage. What I am focusing on right now however is absorption through the skin (through the use of antiperspirants). Studies have found that the absorption of aluminium through the skin causes a greater burden on the body than oral ingestion. A study that was done in 2001 found that aluminium was still present in blood samples for up to 15 days after one application of aluminium to the armpit!! It is therefore well proven that applying aluminium to the skin is a very effective way to get aluminium into your system and conclusively into your brain. Aluminium has been recognized as a human neurotoxin from back in 1886 (this was before it was adopted for use in antiperspirants). A neurotoxin is a substance that causes damages to nerves or nerve tissues. You can be the judge of this, how many persons do you know out there that are now suffering from some form of autoimmune illness (such as Lupus, MS (Multiple Sclerosis); ALS (Lou Gherig’s Disease) to name a few?  If you know 5 more than you knew 5 years ago then it tells you the rate of growth!

Be Blessed and keep healthy!


Friday, 13 May 2011


Although they are called ‘silver fillings’ they are actually made up of 50% Mercury, 35% Silver, 13% tin, 2% copper and a tiny bit of zinc. Now I have been trying to find out why it is that mercury, which is one of the most toxic of heavy metals, is used to put fillings in people’s mouth when scrap dental amalgam (silver fillings) is classified as a hazardous waste by the American Environmental Protection Agency, and by law must be stored in unbreakable, sealed containers, and handled without touching! If it is unsafe when it is taken out of your mouth then how on earth is it that it is safe when it was in your mouth? Beats me for sure!

Mercury is a known poison that can penetrate every living cell of the human body! It is more toxic than arsenic, lead and cadmium, and there is no minimum amount that you can absorb, that will not do damage to cells in the human body! Those amalgams have been banned by Sweden since 1997 after a study revealed that at least 250,000 Swedes have immune and other health disorders directly related to the mercury in their teeth! Denmark, Austria and Germany have also now banned these fillings, however by contrast the American and Canadian Dental Associations are still insisting up to today that these fillings are safe to be placed in your mouth! (check their websites and you will be shocked at what you see!)  The only conclusion to be drawn from this is that because North America has such a high litigious culture they are afraid to come out and confirm that these silver fillings are harmful because there would be an overwhelming number of lawsuits against these dentists! So what I believe they are doing is giving the dentists time to put the necessary clauses in their fine prints and have us sign away our rights to sue them if anything happens! In the meanwhile they are quietly turning to the resin (white) fillings.

Mercury has been linked to Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimers, Lupus and other neurological disorders. People have been known to have significantly reduced symptoms from these illnesses after removing their amalgam fillings. Check out the LA Times article dated May 5, 2011 which I have placed on the ‘in the news’ page.

This is an excerpt from an article written by Charles More in the Natural Life Magazine (February 1997):

“It is well-established that elemental mercury vapour emits from amalgam tooth fillings during chewing, brushing, and eating hot and/or acidic foods. Most of this vapour is inhaled, allowing efficient absorption across the alveolar membrane in the lungs. Mercury easily crosses the blood/brain barrier – the brain and nervous system's main natural defense against many toxic substances. It can bind strongly to sulfur-containing proteins in nerve tissue (which may explain the association with MS – a disease of the nerve sheaths), and deposits in virtually all body tissues and organs. In experiments on mercury fillings in sheep, Dr. Murray Vimy, a dentist at the University of Calgary, proved that mercury migrates from the teeth into nearly all body tissues, especially the brain, kidneys, and liver.”

My suggestion to you therefore is to get rid of those silver fillings from your mouth if you still have any, however do not remove them all at once and make sure that you go to a Bio-Dentist as they are the ones who know how to remove them without causing mercury leakage into your system. If after you have been to the dentist you feel lethargic and find it difficult to concentrate then it is a very strong possibility that you are suffering from mercury poisoning! Visit a good naturopath to get some help and start taking chlorella to help cleanse your body of the toxin.  Dr Vimy had concluded that there is some risk that mass replacements could expose the patient to more mercury than if old fillings were left alone. So proceed with caution…but proceed you should!

Be blessed and stay healthy!

Friday, 6 May 2011


This might sound very strange to you but for the past couple of years I have not given one cent donation to cancer research and I refuse to do so and I  make no apologies for that. Why you might ask? Simply because the money is not being used to do cancer research with the aim of developing cures. If this was so then we would have a whole lot of treatments for cancer out there and they would not be known as ‘Alternative Cancer treatments’.  There are hundreds of natural cures for cancer out there and the big drug companies all know about these cures however because they are from natural products that cannot be patented they refuse to spend money developing these products as the returns would not allow them to make large enough profits. So instead they continue to push these orthodox chemotherapy and radiation treatments, (which have nothing more than a 1-3% success rate) simply because that is where all the profit lies!

So what about all these alternative (natural) cancer cures that have been blowing through our emails in recent years? Each of them will have to be assessed individually because not all alternative cancer treatments are equally strong (especially if the cancer patient has been undergoing traditional chemo or radiation treatment), however, from various research that have been done, one can categorically conclude that most of those you have heard about are true if even to some extent. For people who are newly diagnosed, the success rate can be over 90% if the patient works with an expert who knows what he or she is doing. For alternative medicine experts, the cure rate for advanced cancer patients, who have had significant chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, is about 50%.

The diet of the cancer patient is extremely important. Many people have cured their cancer by using nothing more than a massive change in their diet! Likewise a bad diet during a cancer treatment has destroyed many alternative cancer treatments! For eg something as simple as adding refined salt and refined sugar to your diet is enough to destroy an entire cancer treatment!!! So if you are diagnosed with cancer the very first thing to give attention to is your diet.

The following was taken from the Cancer Tutor website:

“Every human being has cancer cells in their body!! However, our bodies were designed to have a very, very sophisticated immune system which, among other things, was designed to safely target and kill cancer cells. When a person is "diagnosed" with cancer it means there is an imbalance in their body between the strength of their immune system and the number of cancer cells in their body. In other words, something has damaged their immune system and/or something has caused a high number of cancer cells to form. The result of this imbalance is an abnormally high number of cancer cells which thrive in their body. The number of cancer cells may grow out of control and eventually the person may be diagnosed with cancer.

The approach of many alternative or natural health practitioners is four-fold:
First, change the diet and lifestyle of the person to change their "inner terrain" to make the body hostile to cancer cells (e.g. change to an alkaline diet),
Second, strengthen the immune system with very gentle electromedicine and/or natural nutrients,
Third, use very gentle treatments that safely target and kill the cancer cells or revert the cancer cells into normal cells,
Fourth, use supplements to protect and energize the non-cancerous cells
damaged by orthodox treatments.
As to the third item, if you kill all of the microbes which are inside of a cancer cell it will be able to restore its metabolism, start creating ATP molecules again (without using fermentation) and will revert into a normal cell. Dr. Royal Rife knew this in the 1930s but his discoveries have been ignored by orthodox medicine. By doing all four of the above things the cancer patient has the balance between their immune system and the number of cancer cells restored without damaging the body. They are cured because the balance has been restored back to normal!!

The approach of orthodox medicine, however, severely damages the immune system with chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. This makes the imbalance even worse. Orthodox cancer treatments also kill many healthy cells and can damage organs and the lining of the stomach and colon; which can make it difficult for the patient to extract nutrients from healthy foods and supplements.  One of the reasons alternative medicine cancer researchers are so interested in developing electromedicine protocols is because so many cancer patients have damage to the lining of their stomach and colon (due to chemotherapy or surgery). Electromedicine becomes their only hope for survival because these things work without the ability of the stomach and colon to digest nutrients from foods.

Is it any wonder that alternative cancer treatments, when used on newly diagnosed cancer patients and when administered by experts, have a massively higher cure rate than orthodox medicine? Alternative cancer treatments build-up the person's body (especially the immune system) and gently deals with getting rid of the cancer cells. However, even when orthodox medicine puts someone into "remission" (i.e. their cancer appears to be gone), their treatments have damaged the immune system so badly that they have made the imbalance even worse, so even if orthodox medicine claims they have put someone into remission, it is almost certain the cancer will come back!! This is called: regression.”

Natural Cures

Some natural cures that have had significant success rate even with very advanced cancer patients are (and these are only to name a few!):

  • Mangosteen – rind of the fruit
  • Guyabano (Soursop) – bark and leaves
  • Essiac Tea
  • Lemon (one of the largest drug manufacturers in the world, says that after more than 20 laboratory tests since 1970, the extracts revealed that: It destroys the malignant cells in 12 cancers)
  • Ginger
  • Asparagus

My bet would be on one of these 50 times over the chemo or the radiation or surgery!!

Be blessed and stay healthy!