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Friday, 30 March 2012


There is an increasing urgency amongst people today to look for answers that conventional medicine has failed to provide. One way of providing these answers has been through an alternative branch of medicine known as Energy Medicine. This article will deal with one aspect of this, which is known as bio-feedback. The human body was created to heal itself however the stressors of today’s daily living impedes the modalities that the body uses to make this happen. Energy medicine uses subtle electrical and bio-quantum stimulation to help the body to recover its ideal template and thereby heal itself. Not all biofeedback systems are created equal however, so this article will be discussing the therapies of the Quantum Biofeedback System in particular as this is the one which I have proven for myself personally.
Biofeedback machine does a scan (like an xray) of the entire body and then feedbacks to the computer exactly which parts of the body are out of balance. It then sends enough electromagnetic stimulation to try to bring that area of the body back to balance.

How it works

On my visit to my Naturopath I am made to recline and then the Quantum Biofeedback device (known as the QXCI machine) is connected to me by  using a headband, wrist straps and ankle straps, which are all totally non-invasive, there is no pain whatsoever. Sometimes I might even doze off for a bit. You are made to recline and relax for about 50 minutes while it scans the your entire body from head to toe (similar to how a virus software scans a computer), where it looks for everything from viruses, deficiencies, weaknesses, allergies to abnormalities and food sensitivities. It reports on the biological reactivity and resonance in your body and indicates needs, dysfunctions and vulnerabilities (both mental and physical) that are affecting the energetic state of one’s body and the direction in which the body is focussing it’s energy. It then attempts to balance or correct these stressors with focussed energetic therapies.

The main test categories?
1)    Nutritional Deficiencies and Hormonal imbalance
2)    Allergies and Food Sensitivities
3)    Toxicities, Fungi and Parasites
4)    Physical body – organs, muscles, glands, blood etc
5)    Brain wave patterns
6)    Emotional blockages and mental stress
7)    The Top Most Reactive Issues with the Risks Profile
8)    Skin, hair, saliva and urine testing
9)    Supplements and drugs energetic compatibility

I have had issues such as serious back pains being relieved and it picked up that I had too many ‘electromagnetic waves’ (such as what you get from microwave use) in my body which had created havoc with my hormones. At the time I was using the microwave on a consistent daily basis to reheat my lunch. I no longer do so, I now use the toaster oven (takes longer yes, but my body is worth the wait!) It also picked up that I was on a straight path to becoming a diabetic because my sugar level was way off the chart! I have a wicked sweet tooth however I have now made significant adjustments to that.

It has also been known to be of amazing to help to persons who suffer from bi-polar disorder (chemical imbalances), auto-immune illnesses, obesity and this is just to name a few. It is also excellent for Pain management.

If you do have health issues which your doctors are unable to find the answers for then consider giving this a try. You will be amazed at what you discover about your body!

Be Blessed and stay healthy!


Saturday, 25 February 2012


What are they? What causes them? How can you get rid of them?

For my entire life I have been hearing about ‘fibroids’ or what the older folks used to call ‘growth’. What particularly amazed me was how women around me would suddenly start having huge abdomens that just seemed to keep growing for no apparent reason! (no wonder the condition was called ‘growth’!) Then you would hear “oh she has fibroids”. I must say that this actually scared me a bit, and it led me to wonder why this issue is so prevalent in black women (because if I know 5 black women at least 4 of them have fibroids, however that is not the case with caucasian women). I therefore thought I would do some research on fibroids.

What are Uterine Fibroids?

Uterine fibroids are tumours which grow from the cells forming the muscle of the uterus (womb). These fibroids can either grow on the wall of the uterus, (and thereby push into the bladder, bowel or intestine) or they can grow within the uterine wall. Fibroids can be as small as a pea or as large as even a football, however they are almost always benign (non-cancerous) no matter how large they get. If a fibroid or a cluster of fibroids is large or is growing on the outside of the wall of the uterus it can sometimes push the uterus aside or cause it to grow abnormally. It can also put pressure on the bladder or the intestines. In some cases a large fibroid may even block the opening of the uterus which can cause fertility problems or if the woman is pregnant she may need to have a caesarean delivery.

What Causes Fibroids?

Mainstream medicine will tell you that no one really knows what causes fibroids, however it is a well known fact that changes in oestrogen levels do play a significant role in their growth! This therefore tells me that the consumption of soy products as well as meat packed with hormones (especially chicken, beef and farmed fish) will definitely lead to the growth and development of fibroids. It also suggests that the use of some types of contraceptive pills will also assist in the growth and development of these fibroids.  As a woman approaches menopause and her oestrogen levels decrease, fibroids tend to shrink or almost disappear.

Now why do they affect black women more than any other race? Your guess is as good as mine because research has not yet uncovered the reason, however according to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, 80% of black women will develop benign fibroid tumours by their mid to late 40s and are 3 times more likely to develop fibroids than a Caucasian woman. National surveys in the USA have shown that black women have a lower intake of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus and this is believed could be a factor. [We need to check our diet!!!]

What are the symptoms?

Many women will have fibroids and not even know that they do! Some of the symptoms which will be experienced are:
  • Painful menstrual periods
  • Prolonged and excessive menstrual bleeding (which can lead to an iron deficiency or anaemia)
  • More frequent urination (caused by pressure on the bladder)
  • Feeling of pressure on the lower abdomen
  • Pelvic pain
  • Backache
  • Constipation
  • Infertility
  • Miscarriage

How do you get rid of them?

Again mainstream medicine will tend to tell you that there is no need to treat them if the symptoms are not causing you problems (such as excessive bleeding). If they do suggest treatment then most often than not it will be surgery of one form or another, in the most extreme cases they will suggest a complete hysterectomy! According to Dr Mercola “Hysterectomy now out numbers almost all types of surgery performed in the US”. The proposed Uterine Fibroid Research and Education act of 2005 mentioned that $5 billion dollars is spent annually on hysterectomy surgeries each year!! 22% of Black women are affected and 7% of Caucasian women.

My suggestion is to find a very good Natural Practitioner and let him/her help you with the process of elimination of these fibroids naturally and setting you on a holistic path to ensure that they do not recur by paying special attention to your diet.

Some Natural Alternatives:


FibroidClear is a natural remedy which was formulated by a Master Herbalist and has had a lot of good results (based on testimonials that are posted online). It also comes ‘Doctor Approved’ as a couple of medical doctors have endorsed and approved the product. It can be easily purchased online and a one month supply is only $67!


There is a natural enzyme supplement which has been proven to fight all inflammatory conditions by digesting excessive amount of proteins known as fibrin. It is known to dissolve cysts of all forms, blood clots and arterial plaques. According to Dr Rona from Healthwise Digest, over 50 clinical trials from Europe and Asia attest to the ability of serrapeptase to successfully treat conditions such as fibrocystic breast disease,  torn ligaments, Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), Carpel Tunnel syndrome ENT infections and this is just to name a few. Serrapeptase was popularised by Dr Hans Nieper from Germany who used this powerful enzyme to treat virtually all degenerative diseases including cancer, autoimmune diseases, crippling arthritis, heart disease and more.

Serrapeptase has also been known to gradually break down uterine fibroids so if you are suffering from this condition then I would suggest that you give it a try before considering surgery! It may take a while longer than surgery but at least you will still be left with all your body parts!

Serrapeptase is best taken on an empty stomach (1 hour before or 2 hours after meals). If combined or taken with food it helps to digest the food but has less effect on inflammation! When purchasing Serrapeptase, make sure it is enteric coated so that it will not be broken down and made inactive by stomach acids. In that way, the enzyme will reach the small intestines from where it can be absorbed into the bloodstream and reduce inflammation anywhere in the body.

Be blessed and stay healthy!

Dr Rona’s Healthwise Digest

Sunday, 8 January 2012


-The Importance of Calcium to the Human Body

Well the holidays are over and it is now ‘blogging’ time again! Please accept my very best wish to you and yours for the days and months ahead in 2012. Lets hope it will be a healthier one for all of us!

What is Coral Calcium or Marine Calcium?

Having frequently heard of different types of calcium I wanted to know the reasons for the differences and which one was best. The first thing to be noted about calcium is that it works best with the mineral magnesium as magnesium helps calcium to do its job in the body so there is no point taking a calcium supplement if you do not also take a magnesium supplement!

There is regular calcium which you get from consuming milk etc but there is also calcium which is farmed from the sea, which has the perfect balance of magnesium and other vital minerals that the body needs. There are two distinct types of coral calcium: fossilized calcium that has been washed up onto the beach, and marine bed coral calcium which comes directly from the seabed. The second type of marine calcium is closer in composition to living forms of corals, which therefore makes it a better supplement for humans. In addition, reef inhabitants naturally process the seabed coral which is often referred to as “coral sand”.

The coral sand is forced to the ocean floor through the natural motion of the water. This means that man does not need to disturb the live reefs in order to get the coral calcium, which means it is ecologically safe in terms of the way it is extracted.  This type of coral calcium retains many of the minerals and organic elements, which land based coral often loses over time. It is for this reason therefore that seabed or marine coral calcium is much more potent that the fossilized land based coral calcium.

How can Coral or Marine Calcium benefit you?

Marine coral also contains the ideal levels of magnesium, which has been known to help calcium carry out its function in the body. Without the right amounts of magnesium, the supplement containing coral calcium is only mediocre at best! Studies have shown that a two to one ratio of calcium to magnesium is ideal for better health. Coral calcium when taken regularly may be able to help ward off cancer, heart disease, high cholesterol, hypertension, lupus, diabetes, arthritis and this is just to name a few of the degenerative diseases.

It is strongly believed that every sickness or ailment in the human body can be traced to a mineral deficiency. All vitamins and minerals have significant importance in keeping the body disease free, however Coral Calcium has a unique role. Although coral is often called “coral calcium”, coral naturally contains every mineral needed by the human body, not just calcium!

Coral Calcium helps to raise the body’s PH level
Diseases (especially cancer) are known to thrive in an acidic (low PH) environment and starves in an alkaline (high PH) environment. An alkaline (high pH/oxygen rich) system is important because we are oxygen creatures. Oxygen is the most essential substance for human life. Humans can survive weeks without food and days without water but only 3 minutes without oxygen. Many Naturopathic Doctors believe that at least 157 diseases are caused by an acidic/low pH system. In fact almost every named and unnamed disease condition has one thing in common: higher than normal accumulation of acidic waste in the body. The higher the PH level the greater the oxygen content. All healthy humans begin life with most of the body fluids and tissues in a slightly alkaline state (high pH). Over time, in modern society, the body tissues and fluids often become acidic (low pH) from the food, drink, prescription drugs, pollution and stress, that are absorbed on a daily basis. (Note: this discussion of fluids does not include blood, which keeps a consistent pH).

When coral minerals fulfill a specific mineral deficiency, a specific health condition is improved. As the coral minerals raise the overall mineral content of the body, the pH of the body returns to it's natural alkaline (high pH) state, thus enhancing the immune system and overall wellness of the individual. Coral is rich in calcium and performs as an excellent calcium supplement because it is very absorbable and does not cause the uncomfortable side effects of constipation commonly found with other calcium supplements. The calcium component of coral is important but the coral trace minerals are even more important.

The Okinawa Japan Story!
The people from the Okinawa Islands in Japan have been noted to live at least 10 years longer than mainland Japan and with much more youthful looking bodies. Many studies and research have therefore been done in order to ascertain why this is so. The Japanese government themselves have so far conducted at least three studies and all three have been conclusive that this longevity is due to the calcium in the coral waters. The controversial Canadian scientist Dr. Robert “Bob” Barefoot has also done much research on this topic and his studies have drawn the same conclusion.

These research have been the topic of many disputes and have been much criticized, however from my personal point of view what gives this argument credibility is the work of the German Scientist and medical Doctor Otto Warburg, who is the only medical doctor to have won not one but 2 Nobel Prizes for his research! In the words of Dr Warburg The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in the normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar”.  Dr Warburg received his Nobel prizes from back in 1931 and 1944 and he died in 1970. How many times have you heard the medical community say that there is no known cause for cancer and no known cure? You be the judge!

Be Blessed & Stay Healthy!
