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Saturday, 2 November 2013

Today in continuing my series on Superfoods and Supplements I am sharing an article with you from the Institute for Natural Healing (INH) Newsleter:

It’s a Weed, Right? No, it’s a Cancer-Fighting Superfood

Dandelion Cancer FightingYou’ve probably cut it or pulled it out of your lawn a hundred times without even thinking about it. It grows like crazy. But this “weed” is actually not a weed at all. It’s a flowering plant that’s both a healthy food and a potent medicine. It’s packed full of vitamins and minerals like iron, potassium, and zinc. And that’s not even the best part…

This underestimated plant is proving to be a potent cancer fighter. Not only does it kill cancer cells, it leaves healthy cells alone. That makes it a better treatment than toxic chemotherapy drugs. This super food is completely safe, boosts your immune system, and helps your body stay healthy while stopping cancer cells from taking over. So before you do your next round of weeding, you’ll want to find out about this cancer- killing flower…

We’re talking about the humble dandelion. You know…it’s the little flower that kids—and adults—love to blow on to make the seeds float around in the air. Who knew those tiny seeds could have such potent healing powers? Although Native Americans and the Chinese have used it for centuries to treat tumors, it hasn’t been scientifically researched as an anti-cancer super food until recently. And it’s a good thing modern day scientists are finally looking into it…Studies show that dandelion root extract kills the bad cells in hard-to-treat types of leukemia.1

It even kills tumor cells in certain types of chemo-resistant skin cancers.2 Scientists now know that dandelion causes apoptosis, or cell death, in cancer cells. It works by activating certain proteins needed for the cells to die. When it comes to breast and prostate cancer, dandelion stops cancer cells from growing and invading other cells.3

The nutrient makeup of this ordinary wildflower is pretty unique. It’s what makes it such a potent superfood and healing plant. Dandelions are high in vitamin C and they have the highest concentration of vitamin A, even more than carrots. They also have more cancer-fighting B, C, and D vitamins than most other veggies.4 Dandelions are high in antioxidants, which you need to eliminate damaging free radicals and prevent cancer cells from growing in the first place.

Since conventional medicine uses toxic poison to kill cancer, it’s nice to know that a simple “weed” can help you prevent and even fight this disease. Dandelion comes fresh or in liquids, teas, and supplements. It can be slightly diuretic and interact with some types of medications so check with your doctor before taking it.

As always, it’s important to eat a healthy diet full of vegetables. Adding fresh dandelion will give you potent cancer-fighting nutrients to help you stay healthy against cancer.
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Be Blessed and stay healthy!

Friday, 23 August 2013


- Natural Supplement Series
In my last blog on Superfoods, I promised that my next post would be on Nutritional Supplements. This is therefore my first blog in a series of ‘little-known natural supplements packing a whole lot of goodness’. This post will be focusing on the Aloe Arborescens formula.

The Aloe Arborescens immune formula was developed by a humble monk in the hillsides of Brazil by the name of Father Romano Zago, from the sap and leaves of the Aloe Arboresence plant and 100% natural raw bees honey plus a 1% distillate (alcohol mixture). This provides the human body with a very potent and complete spectrum of phytonutrient and neutraceutical properties to support a healthy immune system and to cleanse the body of all toxins.  After witnessing many cancers going into remission and many other illnesses cured with this formula Father Romano wrote a book called ‘Cancer Can be Cured’ and made the recipe available for free. He calls it the Supreme Immune Health FormulaTM. He has now collaborated with an organization and bottled the formula for retail sale.

supreme immune health
In 1988, Father Romano Zago, who at the time was at the San Antonio parish in Pouso Novo, Brazil, heard about the aloe arborescens recipe from his fellow friar, Father Reckziegel. Since then, he's had the opportunity to witness the results for himself.

Father Zago was shocked and amazed by the "miraculous" results of this recipe that it inspired him to write the book titled Cancer Can Be Cured. In the book, he reveals the amazing recipe consisting of only 3 ingredients (see below).

Today, this recipe has spared thousands worldwide from suffering and dying. One such person was Giovanni Mariani.

On pages 25-27 of Cancer Can Be Cured, Father Zago tells the story of Giovanni of Forqueta, Brazil, who had been given a terminal diagnosis. His doctors said, "There is no cure for his case ... he only has a few days to live."

Father Zago gave the aloe arborescens recipe to Giovanni's wife, Gemma, and asked her to give the bed-ridden Giovanni the natural remedy 3 times a day. Gemma was skeptical, so she didn't give it to Giovanni. But their son, Rubens, did.

Soon thereafter, Rubens reported that the swelling in his father's stomach, which was as large as a tennis ball, had disappeared! After a few days, Giovanni left his bed ... started to walk up and down the hallway, and then outside. And soon after, he returned to work.

As of 2002 when Father Zago first documented this true story ... Giovanni Mariani was still alive at over 80 years old -- and in perfect health.

Upon witnessing dozens of patients like Giovanni experiencing remarkable therapeutic benefits after drinking this potent tonic and hearing of thousands more with the same results, Father Romano Zago has now spent more than 20 years researching the science behind the miraculous stories of health restoration that this recipe has spawned.

The Aloe Arborescens "Recipe"
as presented in Father Zago's book, "Cancer Can Be Cured"
The ingredients of the "recipe" are simple: 3 or 4 large leaves of aloe arborescens (must be at least 5 years old), 1/2 kilo (1.1 pounds) of bees' honey (raw and unrefined, not synthetic), and 6-8 teaspoons of distillate. Clean the leaves with a dry cloth, and remove the spines. Then, cut them into pieces and blend them together with the honey and distillate until smooth.

The recommended dosage for taking the resulting tonic is 1 tablespoon 3 times a day (preferably before meals) for 10 consecutive days. Then, stop for 10 days and then start again.

Because aloe arborescens is not widely available, and the recipe is inconvenient for most people to prepare, Deca Aloe Arborescens International, Inc. has collaborated with Father Romano Zago to make a bottled version of the Brazilian recipe available to the public strictly as a dietary supplement. It is called Supreme Immune Health FormulaTM, and it's the only product that Father Romano Zago vouches for its authenticity and adherence to the original Brazilian recipe.

The Recipe That Delivers
Health Restoration All Over the World

ather Romano Zago receives letters from people all over the world who tell remarkable healing stories. Following are a few case studies of health restoration. [There are countless other amazing case studies that we are unable to include here because compliance to Federal regulations prohibit us from doing so. We believe these case studies are a reasonable cross-section of the range of typical results that people in the circumstances described have been able to achieve.]

Micol, a 13-year-old girl suffered from a brain condition since she was five. She had three surgeries at the Oncological Centre in Paris -- perhaps the most famous in the world. However, the condition persisted, and nothing could calm Micol's pain. But a fourth operation was not possible.

After taking a bottle of the aloe treatment, the child was no longer in pain. She could ride her bike, play and talk. After taking a second round of the recipe, the results of another cycle of tests showed that she had returned to good health.1
Gregorio from Milan, Italy, had a bladder condition that required surgery. The doctors in Como were preparing to operate, but couldn’t decide whether to remove the bladder and replace it with a plastic one -- or leave him without a bladder. After taking two rounds of the recipe, Gregorio returned to a state of wellness. The doctors were astounded! Gregorio now lives a normal life with his own, perfectly healthy bladder.1
Miriam's nephew, a man of about 50, had a 12-hour surgery for a throat condition. Three of his other friends underwent the same surgery. The only difference is that he took several bottles of the recipe -- and his friends did not. The happy ending is that now, Miriam's nephew manages properties and leads a normal life. His three friends, who had throat surgery without using the recipe, all died, one after another.1
A Jordanian boy who had a chronic condition that deformed his face, frequently traveled to the United States to receive regular treatments. He took three bottles of the aloe preparation. According to the Sisters of St. Dorothy from the Latin Patriarchate Seminary in Beit Jala, Bethlehem, the boy became healthy again and stopped making those expensive journeys abroad.1
Father Lorenzo, Conventual OFM, had a colon condition. The doctors opened his lower stomach but they could do nothing for him. Before closing him up, they decided by mutual consent to perform a colostomy, to give him the chance -- depending on how well he recovered -- to prolong his life.

He began taking the aloe blend and just 3 months after the operation, Father Lorenzo’s health was so good that the doctors who had operated on him the first time removed the sack they had applied. The priest (now 70+ years of age) currently lives smiling and happy, and is a sought-after charismatic confessor throughout the world.1


Be blessed and stay healthy!


see also:


Friday, 19 July 2013


The term Superfoods has been banded around quite a bit these days and so I figure it is high time that I look into this Nomenclature. What makes these foods ‘super’ anyway and is the term now being overused? Likewise, just about anything which is supposed to be good for you these days is being packaged into a supplement. Not all supplements however are created equal. I therefore figured I should twin them together and do a series on superfoods and supplements!

So what are Superfoods?

To describe it I will enlist the help of an article done by Christopher Wanjek from

Superfoods are foods — mostly plant-based but also some fish and dairy — thought to be nutritionally dense and thus good for one's health. The term has no set scientific meaning, however, and any list of "top" superfoods is purely subjective. At a very basic level, superfoods are said to be rich in particular nutrients. This could be an antioxidant, thought to ward off cancer; a healthy fat, thought to prevent heart disease; fiber, thought to prevent diabetes and digestive problems; or phytochemicals, the chemicals in plants responsible for deep colors and smells, which can have numerous healthful benefits.

Superfoods are healthful, for the most part, aside from possible contamination, added sugars or over-consumption of them.  Lists of superfoods are extensive on the Internet. Some websites list as many as 50 or 100. At this point, the term "superfood" becomes largely meaningless or, at best, synonymous with just about any fruit or vegetable. Another problem with the term is that some so-called superfoods fall in and out of favor with dieticians, such as coffee or eggs.

What foods will top the list?

The "exotic fruits of the year” will surely be on any superfood list. This might be acai berry, noni fruit, dragon fruit, rambutan or pomegranate, and we can also add mangosteen and goji berry to that list. These are considered healthful as they are rich in particular nutrients. Here are their claims to fame:

Acai berry contains several substances called anthocyanins and flavonoids. These are powerful antioxidants that help defend the body against life's stressors. They also play a role in the body's cell protection system. Free radicals are harmful byproducts produced by the body. Eating a diet rich in antioxidants may interfere with aging and the disease process by neutralizing free radicals.

Noni fruit contains several substances called iridoids. Iridoids are powerful phytochemicals produced by plants as a self-defense mechanism. They have been scientifically‑ proven to neutralize harmful free radicals, support healthy cholesterol levels within the normal range, increase energy, promote heart health, fortify the immune system, and support DNA as well as naturally fight against cancer.

Dragon fruit contain phytoalbumins, which have antioxidant properties that help prevent the formation of cancer cells. In addition, dragonfruits are also known to increase the excretion of heavy metal toxins from the body.

Rambutans are high in vitamin C, plus copper, manganese, and trace elements of many other nutrients such as potassium, calcium, and iron.

Pomegranate has ellagitannins, which have anti-cancer properties.

Mangosteen fruit contain xanthones (in the rind of the fruit). Xanthones are chemical compounds that occur naturally in various organic materials. They are said to reduce cholesterol levels and hardening of the arteries, or atherosclerosis, as well as naturally combat cancer.

Goji berries are rich in antioxidants, particularly carotenoids such as beta-carotene and zeaxanthin. One of zeaxanthin's key roles is to protect the retina of the eye by absorbing blue light and acting as an antioxidant. In fact, increased intake of foods containing zeathanthin may decrease the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the leading cause of vision loss and blindness in people over the age of 65.

Other fruits and vegetables which tops the lists are kiwi and blueberries as well as all the green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach and broccoli. These dark vegetables are loaded with vitamins A, C and K, as well as fiber, calcium and other minerals. Sweet potato and squash also usually make the superfood list, for similar reasons.

Some of the beans and whole grains which usually make the lists are adzuki beans, quinoa (although it is not a grain it cooks like one) and bulgur. You can read all abut these on my ‘Healthy Foods & Recipes’ page which is attached to this blog.

Salmon, sardines, mackerel and certain other fatty fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, thought to lower the risk of heart disease and stroke. Most doctors say the benefits of eating fish far outweigh the risk of harming your health from the mercury these fish contain. If you worry, eat lower down on the food chain, such as sardines, smelt, and anchovy.

Criticism of the nomenclature

The first general criticism of the use of the term "superfood" is that, while the food itself might be healthful, the processing might not be. For example, green tea has several antioxidants. But green tea sold in the United States is generally cut with inferior teas and brewed with copious amounts of sugar. The Japanese and Chinese generally do not drink green tea with sugar. Many kinds of super-juices — acai berry, noni fruit, pomegranate — can be high in added sugar (so watch out for that).

Similarly, many whole grains are processed in a way to be more palatable and less healthful. According to research by David Ludwig at Harvard University, instant whole-grain oats is as unhealthy as overly processed white bread in that it quickly spikes the sugar levels in the bloodstream once consumed and promotes insulin-resistance, obesity and diabetes.

A second criticism is that, because the term "superfood" is not scientific, it can mean very little and prompt some consumers to eat one kind of food over another. Is broccoli really that superior to asparagus?

Next time around I will look at Supplements.

Be blessed and stay healthy!



Friday, 7 June 2013


   - The Debate

I have been curious about this issue for a long while and every time I come across an autistic child the issue comes back to my mind and so I thought it is high time I dig deeper into it.

There has been an ongoing debate for a number of years now as to whether or not vaccinations play a role in children developing autism and the jury is still out on this issue. The case for a link of autism to vaccination has definitely not been helped by a report that was published in a leading medical journal in the UK (The Lancet) in 1998 by one Dr Andrew Wakefield, who contended that his study provided evidence that Autism does have a link to the MMR vaccinations. His study was later proved to be fraudulent and so the paper was fully withdrawn in 2010 and he was struck off the Medical Register so he could no longer practice as a doctor. This has been an unfortunate development. I will however provide you with some statistics and some quotations from other persons in the medical profession and you can be the judge.

The below are excerpts taken from an article in done in September 2005 by Dawn Prate:

The Growth of Autism

To take the USA alone, Autism grew by over 273% between 1987 and 1998 in the state of California, while for Maryland it grew by over 513% between 1993 and 1998. Several other states all over the United States has similar findings. In an eerie way this increase parallels the growth of vaccinations (number and frequency) containing a substance called Thimerosal (a type of mercury) that has been administered to infants. Since 1991 the numbers of vaccinations administered to infants have increased to 22 in the first 15 months of their lives. Before 1991 the stats was 1 in 2500 child diagnosed with autism, after 1991 the ratio dropped to 1 in 166!

What is Thimerosal?

Thimerosal is the preservative of choice for vaccine manufacturers. First introduced by Eli Lilly and Company in the late 1920s and early 1930s, the company began selling it as a preservative in vaccines in the 1940s. Thimerosal contains 49.6 percent mercury by weight and is metabolized or degraded into ethylmercury and thiosalicylate. Mercury, or more precisely, ethylmercury, is the principle agent that kills contaminants. Unfortunately, mercury also kills much more than that.

The Department of Defense classifies mercury as a hazardous material that could cause death if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Studies indicate that mercury tends to accumulate in the brains of primates and other animals after they are injected with vaccines. Mercury poisoning has been linked to cardiovascular disease, autism, seizures, mental retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia and many other nervous system conditions. That's why the FDA rigorously limits exposure to mercury in foods and drugs. Some common sources of mercury include dental amalgam fillings, various vaccines and certain fish contaminated by polluted ocean waters.

The toxicity of mercury has never been in question. The real question is precisely how much mercury-laced thimerosal is toxic, and what are the possible consequences for our children at low doses?

Eli Lilly and Co. supposedly answered this question for us back in 1930. Concluding thimerosal to be of "a very low order of toxicity . . . for man," the company hired its own doctors to perform thimerosal experiments in Indianapolis City Hospital on meningitis patients during a severe outbreak in 1929. This 60-year-old evidence was still quoted on the company's brochures as recently as 1990. Andrew Waters, who is involved in a lawsuit against Eli Lilly, claims that most critical studies on the toxicity of thimerosal were suppressed by the company until now.

Banned around the world, but not in the United States

That might explain why thimerosal was eliminated in many countries 20 years ago. In 1977, a Russian study found that adults exposed to ethylmercury, the form of mercury in thimerosal, suffered brain damage years later. Studies on thimerosal poisoning also describe tubular necrosis and nervous system injury, including obtundation, coma and death. As a result of these findings, Russia banned thimerosal from children's vaccines in 1980. Denmark, Austria, Japan, Great Britain and all the Scandinavian countries have also banned the preservative.

Eli Lilly stuck to its "scientific" facts, but the truth began slipping between the cracks in 1999. After the number of immunizations rose to 12 to 15 per child, the public finally became privy to the possible dangers of thimerosal. One 1999 study revealed that some infants, due to a genetic or developmental factor, lack the ability to eliminate mercury. Trace amounts of mercury in these infants, when accumulated over several vaccines, could pose a severe health risk. Some vaccines, such as vaccines for hepatitis B, contained as much as 12.5 micrograms of mercury per dose. That's more than 100 times the EPA's upper limit standard when administered to infants.

Hepatitis B vaccines aren't the only immunizations under suspicion. According to Burton Goldberg in Alternative Medicine, scientists are finding stronger and stronger links between thimerosal and neurological damage. One report by Dr. Vijendra Singh of the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Michigan found a higher incidence of measles, mumps and rubella vaccine (MMR) antibodies in autistic children.

The National Vaccine Information Center in Vienna, Virginia, has noted a strong association between the MMR vaccine and autistic features. Reporting similar findings, the Encephalitis Support Group in England claims that children who became autistic after the MMR vaccine started showing autistic symptoms as early as 30 days after vaccination. The diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus vaccine (DPT) given at two, four and six months has triggered autistic symptoms, as well.

When the FDA finally formally released this information in 1999, the news came too little too late for some parents. The damage had already been done.

The thimerosal debate continues

Along with the enormous amount of controversy surrounding this issue, the five-year-old plea for "more research" may have finally produced some results. Burton Goldberg notes that a defect in the myelinization process (insulation of nerve fibers) could explain mercury's propensity to cause autism and neurological damage. This may also account for the frequent development of epilepsy in older autistic children.

Scientists are also working on biological links that support the strong correlations. Researchers at Northeastern University, working with scientists from the University of Nebraska, Tufts and Johns Hopkins University, may have recently found the mechanism by which thimerosal interferes with brain activity. If these researchers are right, vaccine manufacturers could do little to keep the damaging effects of thimerosal hidden.

Pharmacy professor Richard Deth and colleagues found that exposure to thimerosal potently interrupts growth factor signaling, causing adverse effects on the transfer of carbon atoms. These carbon atoms play a significant role in regulating normal DNA function and gene expression and are critical to proper neurological development. Additionally, the scientists recently obtained more insight into the mechanism by which thimerosal interferes with folate-dependent methylation. The mechanism inhibits the biosynthesis of the active form of vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin), a vitamin now being administered to autistic children.

The experts speak on mercury, vaccines and thimerosal

Now all childhood vaccines have at least one mercury-free version, and I urge parents to ask for those versions if they choose to vaccinate their children. Injecting mercury into children, especially infants whose immune systems are still underdeveloped (hepatitis B shots are typically given at birth, before the immune system has developed), can be an assault to the immune system.
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Autoimmune Disorders by Stephen B Edelson MD, page 65

In 1999 studies began to surface showing that multi-dose vial vaccines, such as the MMR and hepatitis B vaccines, contained enough thimerosal to expose vaccinated children to 62.5 ug of mercury per visit to the pediatrician. This is one hundred times the dose considered safe by the Federal Environmental Protection Guidelines for infants! Worse yet, some infants will receive doses even higher; because thimerosal tends to settle in the vial. If it is not shaken up before being drawn, the first dose will contain low concentrations of mercury and the last dose will contain enormously high concentrations. If your baby is the unlucky one that gets the last dose, serious brain injury can result…
Health And Nutrition Secrets by Russell L Blaylock MD, page 166

Vaccines may afflict 45,000 cases of autism per year in America, which afflicts 15 victims in every 10.000 births: there are now 5 00,000 of these victims in the U.S. In Sweden not using the pertussis vaccine, there is virtually no autism (and likewise in Holland).
Anti-Aging Manual by Joseph B Marion, page 600

The Debate continues…you be the judge!

Be Blessed and Stay Healthy!

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Saturday, 18 May 2013


-The question is ‘Why?’

The story which broke this week about Angelina Jolie’s double mastectomy has drawn me out of slumber to resume my Blogging! The question is ‘was that her best alternative?’ I will even venture further to ask whether it should have even been an alternative in the first place. The mastectomy does not even provide a 100% guarantee against cancer (many persons have done them and still end up with cancer!), however I personally have not even heard this point being made in the media. Now don’t get me wrong, I do admire Angelina for her bravery, but my fear now however, is that many persons who have managed to afford this test and then found themselves with this BRCA gene will also choose the option of surgery!

In all of this debate, what remains mind-boggling to me is why the medical fraternity refuse to educate the general public that there is a very simple way to keep themselves from getting Cancer and many other degenerative diseases! Up until this moment I have not heard one person from the medical community come out to say that it would have been a much easier, much cheaper and a much more cancer-free guarantee if persons with this gene make an effort to keep their bodies at a high PH (Alkaline) level. Is this because if they were to do this then they would not make enough monies from the numerous preventable surgeries which will now pop up all over the globe? Not to mention the amount of money which people will now be forking out of their pockets (because insurance companies do not cover these tests) to pay for these BRCA Gene testing! At this point in writing only one biotech firm (Myriad Genetics) holds the patent on these BRCA genes (both 1 and 2) which means that they alone (exclusive rights) are able to develop diagnostic tests for those genes. This will no doubt keep the costs for these tests extremely high.

I have done numerous blogs on how to keep your bodies cancer free (its only a pity that Ms Jolie has not been reading them as she would perhaps still have her breasts today)! The essential point is that if one keeps their PH Level at a minimum 7 to 7.5 (which is where a healthy body’s PH level should be) then the risk of developing cancer will be insignificant as cancer cells are never able to thrive in an alkaline environment even if they are present in the body. On the PH Scale, if a body is at 1 to 7 then it is considered to be acidic and if it is at 7 to 14 then it is in an alkaline state. Most cancer patients have a PH level of 3 to 4 or below. I did a blog on this in January 2012 and so instead of doing it all over again I will republish parts of it here for you.

Coral Calcium helps to raise the body’s PH level

Diseases (especially cancer) are known to thrive in an acidic (low PH) environment and starves in an alkaline (high PH) environment. An alkaline (high pH/oxygen rich) system is important because we are oxygen creatures. Oxygen is the most essential substance for human life. Humans can survive weeks without food and days without water but only 3 minutes without oxygen. Many Naturopathic Doctors believe that at least 157 diseases are caused by an acidic/low pH system. In fact almost every named and unnamed disease condition has one thing in common: higher than normal accumulation of acidic waste in the body. The higher the PH level the greater the oxygen content. All healthy humans begin life with most of the body fluids and tissues in a slightly alkaline state (high pH). Over time, in modern society, the body tissues and fluids often become acidic (low pH) from the food, drink, prescription drugs, pollution and stress, that are absorbed on a daily basis. (Note: this discussion of fluids does not include blood, which keeps a consistent pH).

When coral minerals fulfill a specific mineral deficiency, a specific health condition is improved. As the coral minerals raise the overall mineral content of the body, the pH of the body returns to it's natural alkaline (high pH) state, thus enhancing the immune system and overall wellness of the individual. Coral is rich in calcium and performs as an excellent calcium supplement because it is very absorbable and does not cause the uncomfortable side effects of constipation commonly found with other calcium supplements. The calcium component of coral is important but the coral trace minerals are even more important.

The Okinawa Japan Story!

The people from the Okinawa Islands in Japan have been noted to live at least 10 years longer than mainland Japan and with much more youthful looking bodies. Many studies and research have therefore been done in order to ascertain why this is so. The Japanese government themselves have so far conducted at least three studies and all three have been conclusive that this longevity is due to the calcium in the coral waters. The controversial Canadian scientist Dr. Robert “Bob” Barefoot has also done much research on this topic and his studies have drawn the same conclusion.

These research have been the topic of many disputes and have been much criticized, however from my personal point of view what gives this argument credibility is the work of the German Scientist and medical Doctor Otto Warburg, who is the only medical doctor to have won not one but 2 Nobel Prizes for his research! In the words of Dr Warburg The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in the normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar”.  Dr Warburg received his Nobel prizes from back in 1931 and 1944 and he died in 1970. How many times have you heard the medical community say that there is no known cause for cancer and no known cure? You be the judge!

Be Blessed & Stay Healthy!
