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Saturday, 18 May 2013


-The question is ‘Why?’

The story which broke this week about Angelina Jolie’s double mastectomy has drawn me out of slumber to resume my Blogging! The question is ‘was that her best alternative?’ I will even venture further to ask whether it should have even been an alternative in the first place. The mastectomy does not even provide a 100% guarantee against cancer (many persons have done them and still end up with cancer!), however I personally have not even heard this point being made in the media. Now don’t get me wrong, I do admire Angelina for her bravery, but my fear now however, is that many persons who have managed to afford this test and then found themselves with this BRCA gene will also choose the option of surgery!

In all of this debate, what remains mind-boggling to me is why the medical fraternity refuse to educate the general public that there is a very simple way to keep themselves from getting Cancer and many other degenerative diseases! Up until this moment I have not heard one person from the medical community come out to say that it would have been a much easier, much cheaper and a much more cancer-free guarantee if persons with this gene make an effort to keep their bodies at a high PH (Alkaline) level. Is this because if they were to do this then they would not make enough monies from the numerous preventable surgeries which will now pop up all over the globe? Not to mention the amount of money which people will now be forking out of their pockets (because insurance companies do not cover these tests) to pay for these BRCA Gene testing! At this point in writing only one biotech firm (Myriad Genetics) holds the patent on these BRCA genes (both 1 and 2) which means that they alone (exclusive rights) are able to develop diagnostic tests for those genes. This will no doubt keep the costs for these tests extremely high.

I have done numerous blogs on how to keep your bodies cancer free (its only a pity that Ms Jolie has not been reading them as she would perhaps still have her breasts today)! The essential point is that if one keeps their PH Level at a minimum 7 to 7.5 (which is where a healthy body’s PH level should be) then the risk of developing cancer will be insignificant as cancer cells are never able to thrive in an alkaline environment even if they are present in the body. On the PH Scale, if a body is at 1 to 7 then it is considered to be acidic and if it is at 7 to 14 then it is in an alkaline state. Most cancer patients have a PH level of 3 to 4 or below. I did a blog on this in January 2012 and so instead of doing it all over again I will republish parts of it here for you.

Coral Calcium helps to raise the body’s PH level

Diseases (especially cancer) are known to thrive in an acidic (low PH) environment and starves in an alkaline (high PH) environment. An alkaline (high pH/oxygen rich) system is important because we are oxygen creatures. Oxygen is the most essential substance for human life. Humans can survive weeks without food and days without water but only 3 minutes without oxygen. Many Naturopathic Doctors believe that at least 157 diseases are caused by an acidic/low pH system. In fact almost every named and unnamed disease condition has one thing in common: higher than normal accumulation of acidic waste in the body. The higher the PH level the greater the oxygen content. All healthy humans begin life with most of the body fluids and tissues in a slightly alkaline state (high pH). Over time, in modern society, the body tissues and fluids often become acidic (low pH) from the food, drink, prescription drugs, pollution and stress, that are absorbed on a daily basis. (Note: this discussion of fluids does not include blood, which keeps a consistent pH).

When coral minerals fulfill a specific mineral deficiency, a specific health condition is improved. As the coral minerals raise the overall mineral content of the body, the pH of the body returns to it's natural alkaline (high pH) state, thus enhancing the immune system and overall wellness of the individual. Coral is rich in calcium and performs as an excellent calcium supplement because it is very absorbable and does not cause the uncomfortable side effects of constipation commonly found with other calcium supplements. The calcium component of coral is important but the coral trace minerals are even more important.

The Okinawa Japan Story!

The people from the Okinawa Islands in Japan have been noted to live at least 10 years longer than mainland Japan and with much more youthful looking bodies. Many studies and research have therefore been done in order to ascertain why this is so. The Japanese government themselves have so far conducted at least three studies and all three have been conclusive that this longevity is due to the calcium in the coral waters. The controversial Canadian scientist Dr. Robert “Bob” Barefoot has also done much research on this topic and his studies have drawn the same conclusion.

These research have been the topic of many disputes and have been much criticized, however from my personal point of view what gives this argument credibility is the work of the German Scientist and medical Doctor Otto Warburg, who is the only medical doctor to have won not one but 2 Nobel Prizes for his research! In the words of Dr Warburg The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in the normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar”.  Dr Warburg received his Nobel prizes from back in 1931 and 1944 and he died in 1970. How many times have you heard the medical community say that there is no known cause for cancer and no known cure? You be the judge!

Be Blessed & Stay Healthy!
