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Friday, 23 August 2013


- Natural Supplement Series
In my last blog on Superfoods, I promised that my next post would be on Nutritional Supplements. This is therefore my first blog in a series of ‘little-known natural supplements packing a whole lot of goodness’. This post will be focusing on the Aloe Arborescens formula.

The Aloe Arborescens immune formula was developed by a humble monk in the hillsides of Brazil by the name of Father Romano Zago, from the sap and leaves of the Aloe Arboresence plant and 100% natural raw bees honey plus a 1% distillate (alcohol mixture). This provides the human body with a very potent and complete spectrum of phytonutrient and neutraceutical properties to support a healthy immune system and to cleanse the body of all toxins.  After witnessing many cancers going into remission and many other illnesses cured with this formula Father Romano wrote a book called ‘Cancer Can be Cured’ and made the recipe available for free. He calls it the Supreme Immune Health FormulaTM. He has now collaborated with an organization and bottled the formula for retail sale.

supreme immune health
In 1988, Father Romano Zago, who at the time was at the San Antonio parish in Pouso Novo, Brazil, heard about the aloe arborescens recipe from his fellow friar, Father Reckziegel. Since then, he's had the opportunity to witness the results for himself.

Father Zago was shocked and amazed by the "miraculous" results of this recipe that it inspired him to write the book titled Cancer Can Be Cured. In the book, he reveals the amazing recipe consisting of only 3 ingredients (see below).

Today, this recipe has spared thousands worldwide from suffering and dying. One such person was Giovanni Mariani.

On pages 25-27 of Cancer Can Be Cured, Father Zago tells the story of Giovanni of Forqueta, Brazil, who had been given a terminal diagnosis. His doctors said, "There is no cure for his case ... he only has a few days to live."

Father Zago gave the aloe arborescens recipe to Giovanni's wife, Gemma, and asked her to give the bed-ridden Giovanni the natural remedy 3 times a day. Gemma was skeptical, so she didn't give it to Giovanni. But their son, Rubens, did.

Soon thereafter, Rubens reported that the swelling in his father's stomach, which was as large as a tennis ball, had disappeared! After a few days, Giovanni left his bed ... started to walk up and down the hallway, and then outside. And soon after, he returned to work.

As of 2002 when Father Zago first documented this true story ... Giovanni Mariani was still alive at over 80 years old -- and in perfect health.

Upon witnessing dozens of patients like Giovanni experiencing remarkable therapeutic benefits after drinking this potent tonic and hearing of thousands more with the same results, Father Romano Zago has now spent more than 20 years researching the science behind the miraculous stories of health restoration that this recipe has spawned.

The Aloe Arborescens "Recipe"
as presented in Father Zago's book, "Cancer Can Be Cured"
The ingredients of the "recipe" are simple: 3 or 4 large leaves of aloe arborescens (must be at least 5 years old), 1/2 kilo (1.1 pounds) of bees' honey (raw and unrefined, not synthetic), and 6-8 teaspoons of distillate. Clean the leaves with a dry cloth, and remove the spines. Then, cut them into pieces and blend them together with the honey and distillate until smooth.

The recommended dosage for taking the resulting tonic is 1 tablespoon 3 times a day (preferably before meals) for 10 consecutive days. Then, stop for 10 days and then start again.

Because aloe arborescens is not widely available, and the recipe is inconvenient for most people to prepare, Deca Aloe Arborescens International, Inc. has collaborated with Father Romano Zago to make a bottled version of the Brazilian recipe available to the public strictly as a dietary supplement. It is called Supreme Immune Health FormulaTM, and it's the only product that Father Romano Zago vouches for its authenticity and adherence to the original Brazilian recipe.

The Recipe That Delivers
Health Restoration All Over the World

ather Romano Zago receives letters from people all over the world who tell remarkable healing stories. Following are a few case studies of health restoration. [There are countless other amazing case studies that we are unable to include here because compliance to Federal regulations prohibit us from doing so. We believe these case studies are a reasonable cross-section of the range of typical results that people in the circumstances described have been able to achieve.]

Micol, a 13-year-old girl suffered from a brain condition since she was five. She had three surgeries at the Oncological Centre in Paris -- perhaps the most famous in the world. However, the condition persisted, and nothing could calm Micol's pain. But a fourth operation was not possible.

After taking a bottle of the aloe treatment, the child was no longer in pain. She could ride her bike, play and talk. After taking a second round of the recipe, the results of another cycle of tests showed that she had returned to good health.1
Gregorio from Milan, Italy, had a bladder condition that required surgery. The doctors in Como were preparing to operate, but couldn’t decide whether to remove the bladder and replace it with a plastic one -- or leave him without a bladder. After taking two rounds of the recipe, Gregorio returned to a state of wellness. The doctors were astounded! Gregorio now lives a normal life with his own, perfectly healthy bladder.1
Miriam's nephew, a man of about 50, had a 12-hour surgery for a throat condition. Three of his other friends underwent the same surgery. The only difference is that he took several bottles of the recipe -- and his friends did not. The happy ending is that now, Miriam's nephew manages properties and leads a normal life. His three friends, who had throat surgery without using the recipe, all died, one after another.1
A Jordanian boy who had a chronic condition that deformed his face, frequently traveled to the United States to receive regular treatments. He took three bottles of the aloe preparation. According to the Sisters of St. Dorothy from the Latin Patriarchate Seminary in Beit Jala, Bethlehem, the boy became healthy again and stopped making those expensive journeys abroad.1
Father Lorenzo, Conventual OFM, had a colon condition. The doctors opened his lower stomach but they could do nothing for him. Before closing him up, they decided by mutual consent to perform a colostomy, to give him the chance -- depending on how well he recovered -- to prolong his life.

He began taking the aloe blend and just 3 months after the operation, Father Lorenzo’s health was so good that the doctors who had operated on him the first time removed the sack they had applied. The priest (now 70+ years of age) currently lives smiling and happy, and is a sought-after charismatic confessor throughout the world.1


Be blessed and stay healthy!


see also: