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Tuesday, 17 November 2015


-      - How Toxic Is It?

With the recent breaking news from the WHO that processed meats contain known carcinogens ranking as high on the list as cigarettes, I was immediately drawn out of my long revere and decided to put back on my blogging hat! This, because I had previously done a blog on the issue from as far back as April 2011 however now that the WHO has confirmed it perhaps persons might be more compelled to take notice!

That being said I decided I would start a series on some little known highly toxic substances which we consume pretty much every day without recognizing the impact these are having on our health! The one which tops my list would be Fluoride – mainly because almost everyone consumes it every single day both in their drinking water and in their toothpastes.

Image result for fluoride
Now you might say “well if I am consuming it every day and it is not affecting me then I’m good” but think again! Let’s start with some introductory fact based statements from the Fluoride Action Network (FAN):

Fluoride is a highly toxic substance. Consider, for example, the poison warning that the FDA now requires on all fluoride toothpastes sold in the U.S. or the tens of millions of people throughout China and India who now suffer serious crippling bone diseases from drinking water with elevated levels of fluoride.

In terms of acute toxicity (i.e., the dose that can cause immediate toxic consequences), fluoride is more toxic than lead, but slightly less toxic than arsenic. This is why fluoride has long been used in rodenticides and pesticides to kill pests like rats and insects. It is also why accidents involving over-ingestion of fluoridated dental products–including fluoride gels, fluoride supplements, and fluoridated water–can cause serious poisoning incidents, including death.

The debate today, however, is not about fluoride’s acute toxicity, but its chronic toxicity (i.e., the dose of fluoride that if regularly consumed over an extended period of time can cause adverse effects).

What is the impact of Fluoride on our health?

According to Dr Mercola (

Fluoride affects many tissues in your body besides your teeth!

Many assume that consuming fluoride is only an issue that involves your dental health. But according to a 500-page scientific review, fluoride is an endocrine disruptor that can affect your bones, brain, thyroid gland, pineal gland and even your blood sugar levels.2

There have been over 34 human studies and 100 animal studies linking fluoride to brain damage,3 including lower IQ in children, and studies have shown that fluoride toxicity can lead to a wide variety of health problems, including:

-       Thyroid Disease
-       Arthritis
-       Dementia
-       Bone Fractures
-       Bone Cancer
-       Increased Tumor and Cancer rate
-       Disrupted Immune System
-       Damaged Sperm and increased Infertility
-       Genetic Damage and Cell Death

There are also many other documented researches which conclude that fluoride impacts the neurological development in children. According to Choi – 2012 Study (HSPH – Harvard School of Public Health):

July 25, 2012 — For years health experts have been unable to agree on whether fluoride in the drinking water may be toxic to the developing human brain. Extremely high levels of fluoride are known to cause neurotoxicity in adults, and negative impacts on memory and learning have been reported in rodent studies, but little is known about the substance’s impact on children’s neurodevelopment. In a meta-analysis, researchers from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and China Medical University in Shenyang for the first time combined 27 studies and found strong indications that fluoride may adversely affect cognitive development in children. Based on the findings, the authors say that this risk should not be ignored, and that more research on fluoride’s impact on the developing brain is warranted.

The study was published online in Environmental Health Perspectives on July 20, 2012.

The researchers conducted a systematic review of studies, almost all of which are from China where risks from fluoride are well-established. Fluoride is a naturally occurring substance in groundwater, and exposures to the chemical are increased in some parts of China. Virtually no human studies in this field have been conducted in the U.S., said lead author Anna Choi, research scientist in the Department of Environmental Health at HSPH.

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Fluoride is a poison and does not belong in our drinking water. According to Jill in her article posted on on July 13, 2013:

Fluoride is xenobiotic — it is a poison — not a nutrient. According to Dr. Kennedy (a speaker at the Healthy Mouth Summit), fluoride is harmful to the microbes that live on teeth and it damages the way the body makes energy, teeth, bone and blood. It increases mineral content but lowers the tinsel strength of bone and gets into the marrow and lowers the blood cell count — wrecking havoc with blood cell production and the strength of the bones and teeth.

He’s not just saying that — a 2000 review of the literature by the British Government (University of York) found that there has not been a single properly conducted, high quality study to demonstrate that water fluoridation has benefits — in spite of over 50 years of water fluoridation.

It cannot be coincidental that European countries do not fluoridate their water! If it was really that good for you then I am sure they would be doing it. Why therefore do so many North American cities in the USA and Canada insist on putting this toxic substance in their water and why does so many Dentists continue to insist on their patients using Fluoride Toothpaste and Fluoride Treatments for kids? Your guess is as good as mine! Check out what Dr Mercola had to say:

If fluoride is really the panacea for dental disease that it’s been portrayed as, then why is it that the United States is one of the only developed countries that fluoridates their citizens’ drinking water?

Hint: It’s not because the other countries aren’t aware of fluoride’s supposed “miracle” powers for your teeth … it’s because they fully realize that adding a known poison to your population’s water supply is probably not a good idea.

Even in North America, water fluoridation has come under increasing scrutiny; since 2010, more than 75 US and Canadian communities have voted to end water fluoridation, and the issue is heating up as more and more people begin to demand water that does not expose them to this highly toxic industrial waste product.

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Fluoride also causes Calcification of the Pineal Gland

The Pineal Gland (which is about the size of a rice grain) is an extremely vital connection of the body to the mind/soul. It is even sometimes referred to as the Third Eye or the Mind’s Eye. It is also responsible for the production of melatonin from tryptophan. Melatonin helps to regulate circadian rhythm and plays a role in the timing of puberty. Deficiency in melatonin is linked to premature sexual development, insomnia, cancer, Alzheimer’s and mental disorders such as bipolar.

Fluoride is said to be one of the main causes of the rampant calcification of the Pineal Gland. A blocked pineal gland is associated with several disorders and enzyme inhibitors including obesity, thyroid malfunctions, digestive disorders, kidney malfunctions, lowered IQ and many others.

What can you do to avoid the above?

-        - Get a good reverse osmosis system that eliminates these substances from the water;
-        - Start using a fluoride free toothpaste (you may purchase these from health stores);
-        - Practice eating organic foods where possible and 
    -Take supplements and eat foods which will assist your body to expel toxins.

Be blessed and stay healthy!