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Friday, 25 March 2011


How much water you should drink …

Do you find that you suffer from dry cracked (or chapped) lips from time to time? Well this is a sure sign that your body is dehydrated! All you need to do to remedy the situation is to drink more water! So if you are used to drinking only 1 or 2 glasses of water per day then you need to increase it to say 5 or 6 glasses per day. Try doing that and you will realize that you can put away the Chap Stick (even in the winter!)

The human body needs water to flush the toxins out of the body and also to carry the necessary nutrients to your cells to keep your body healthy. Water also provides a moist environment for your ear nose and throat tissues to assist them to function healthily.

So how much water does an average healthy adult need? In general 8 or 9 8-ounce glasses are recommended. For kids, 5 to 6 glasses are recommended. This is however a moot point as I have read articles that suggests that this 8 x 8 rule came about from bottled water companies who simply wanted to boost sales! In any event the Mayo Clinic suggests that you should drink enough to ensure that you rarely feel thirsty and to ensure that you are producing at least 1.5 litres (about 6 cups) of colourless or slightly yellow urine per day!

But can you really and truly drink too much water?

Well as our ancestors always say “too much of anything is not good for anything”! So the simple answer is yes! You can get a condition known as Water Intoxication or Hyponatremia (which is a problem resulting form too much dilution of sodium in the body). This condition happens when a dehydrated person drinks too much water without the accompanying electrolytes.
So what’s the result of this?
From the cell's point of view, water intoxication produces the same effects as would result from drowning in fresh water. Electrolyte imbalance and tissue swelling can cause an irregular heartbeat, allow fluid to enter the lungs, and may cause fluttering eyelids. Swelling puts pressure on the brain and nerves, which can cause behaviors resembling alcohol intoxication. Swelling of brain tissues can cause seizures, coma and ultimately death unless water intake is restricted and a hypertonic saline (salt) solution is administered. If treatment is given before tissue swelling causes too much cellular damage, then a complete recovery can be expected within a few days.
It's Not How Much You Drink, It's How Fast You Drink It!
The kidneys of a healthy adult can process fifteen liters of water a day! You are unlikely to suffer from water intoxication, even if you drink a lot of water, as long as you drink over time as opposed to drinking an enormous volume at one time. As a general guideline, most adults need about three quarts of fluid each day. Much of that water comes from food, so 8-12 eight ounce glasses a day is a common recommended intake. You may need more water if the weather is very warm or very dry, if you are exercising, or if you are taking certain medications. The bottom line is this: it's possible to drink too much water, but unless you are running a marathon or an infant, water intoxication is a very uncommon condition.

The human body is a water machine‚ designed primarily to run on water and minerals. Every life giving and healing process that happens inside our body... happens with water. In just the last decade medical science has begun to focus more on the tremendous healing ability our body has and how much that ability depends on water. Our body instinctively knows how and strives to sustain youthful longevity‚ and in its every effort... water is the key.

Luv n Blessins! & Stay Healthy…


So what is the story on Soy? Check back next week to find out…

Tuesday, 22 March 2011


So how often should you ‘go’? Well the answer is “as often as you eat!” so if you eat 3 square meals a day you should be going 3 times for the day if you have a healthy functioning colon. If things are not "moving along" properly at least once (optimally, 2-3 times) per day you may be suffering from poor colon health.

A healthy colon ensures a vigorous and healthy body and likewise an unhealthy colon is a sure path to a diseased body. If waste that should get eliminated does not, then it remains and gets impacted in the walls of the colon. All these toxins that do not get eliminated will thereafter seep into your bloodstream and get into your lymphatic system and thus get circulated to other organs in your body.
De-natured foods create a lot of work for the body. As the digestive organs try to breakdown theses very foreign substances (i.e., chemicals, additives, & etc) they will at the same time try to get some useable water, minerals and nutrients from the food to nourish your body. Because denatured foods have almost no nutrition, you are basically causing you body to work hard and receive nothing in exchange. And then we wonder why we are so tired and have lost our enthusiasm for life. Where is our energy going to come from? In a nutshell, most de-natured foods create a build up of waste in the body, and it is stored specifically in the colon. Foods that are conducive to effective absorption and elimination are those with high water content such as fruits and vegetables and when eaten raw are abundant in living enzymes.

Years of ineffective elimination will result in a build up of waste in the colon. This waste which remains in the colon for some time creates several problems for the body. Firstly, (as mentioned above) the material is quite toxic and these poisons can and will re-enter the bloodstream (via the colon) creating illness, weakness and fatigue. Further ‘impacted waste’ impairs the colon’s ability to do its job (i.e. assimilate minerals). It inhibits the normal and necessary muscular action of the colon (by congesting it) causing, sluggish bowel movements, constipation and related disorders.

It is therefore of high importance that you cleanse your colon at least once or twice per year to keep it functioning healthy. There are a number of ways to cleanse your colon, you can either visit a colonics clinic and do a colonic irrigation or you can shop around for a good natural supplement and do it yourself at home at your own pace. If you decide to do the colon irrigation then you should know that the process will remove much of your natural (good) bacterial flora, however, this can be replaced by taking an enzyme supplement from the health food store.

To ensure you maintain a healthy colon, include plenty of water, fibre, bran and grains in your diet as well as herbal supplements which contain psyllium, wheat grass, spurilina or chlorophyll.

Calcium and folic acid supplements may also help prevent colorectal cancer. Large scale studies show that populations that consume green tea have a lower incidence of cancers of the colon. Populations that eat a high fibre diet are also less likely to develop colorectal cancer.


Love & Blessings and stay healthy!

Water, how much is enough? Check back next week…

Friday, 11 March 2011


"Look, first of all you have 2/3rds of the population on aspartame which interacts with all vaccines.   Secondly, the CDC has admitted this is not the same strain as the flu that is here. Of course it couldn't be, its made from last year's flu vaccine.   So even if someone wasn't using aspartame, all it can do is give you the flu.   On an Ohio radio show Nov. 25,2003, a doctor stated 'If you have taken the flu shot more than 8 times in the last 10 years you have an 80% chance of getting Alzheimers'.   Since aspartame is escalating Alzheimers anyway, and memory loss is so prevalent with aspartame its like #9 on the FDA list of 92 symptoms, people won't have a chance."
                                           Ingri Cassel, President Vaccination Liberation.

Although the flu season is almost over, it is never too late for a bit of news. If you insist on taking the flu shot then there are a couple of things you need to know before you take it (which the authorities will not tell you):

Firstly, you should ensure that you are not suffering from fatigue. If you are tired and stressed out then your immune system will be compromised and if you take the flu shot you will definitely get the flu. As you are all aware, a vaccine is merely a small dosage of the virus itself so if you do not have a healthy immune system then it will be further weakened and you will get sick.

Flu Facts
In 1997 the Associated Press stated that about 70 percent of doctors and nurses do NOT get annual flu shots.
The Maine (US) Lung Association says, for the USA, "Over the past twenty years, age specific death rates for pneumonia and influenza have increased in the older adult populations [over age 65]..." However, since 1980, death rates in the over 65 age group from influenza have been increasing, while flu vaccination rates since 1987 also increased from 33% to 65%. These figures show that vaccination is the wrong approach for achieving improved health or reducing the number of deaths.

In fact, studies of large scale compulsory flu vaccination in Japanese school-aged children showed the vaccine to be ineffective and conducive to law suits due to adverse side effects.

I do not like my blogs to be too long but I have to crave your indulgence to share this interview with you. Below is the transcript for the interview done by Gary Null (American Talk Radio Host)
[I could not find the date for this interview but she died suddenly in July 2008]:

FLU VACCINES Interview of Dr Eva Snead by Gary Null. Eva Snead is the author of the book ‘Some Call it Aids I Call it Murder’ in which she links Aids to vaccines. You can contact Eva Snead directly by writing to 126 East Ridgewood Court, San Antonio Texas 98212

GARY NULL: One of the most outspoken, intelligent and absolutely determined physicians on public health issues that's Dr Edith Snead. Nice to have you with us today.

DR EVA SNEAD: Nice to be with you. I appreciated all that flattery.

GARY NULL: Well you deserve it. That's because I wouldn't give it if it's not deserved. Let's talk quickly, we have about eight minutes to talk about this latest phenomenon of everybody running out to get their flu shot and they can do that, I'm not suggesting that they should not do that, that's their choice but I'd like a different perspective so at least they have something to counterbalance their existing information. Why don't you share what you consider the pros and cons of the flu vaccine?

DR EVA SNEAD: Well we have talked about vaccines and that they are all totally unsafe. Now talking about the flu vaccine itself it's prepared on chicken embryo, which mean unborn chicken which means that people who are allergic to these products like egg and chicken can become seriously ill and on the other hand the injection of these proteins into other humans will render them in a large percentage allergic to chicken and egg which means that people who were not allergic before will now become allergic.
The other problem is that all viral vaccines contain not only the particular virus but they also contain traces of leukaemia virus, cancer producing viruses etc. These are not completely removable, they exist in the chicken from which these eggs are taken and although they claim that they are like 98% purified, 2% of several billion viruses is still an awful lot of cancer and leukaemia dangers.
Another fact is that to separate cells we also may have to use a pork product which is made from raw pork stomach. This is an enzyme that separates the cells called pork trypsin and a lot of people who would not ingest or take pork products for religious reasons are seduced without knowing it into violating their convictions so there you have in a nutshell the beginning of why it is not very wise to take influenza vaccines.

GARY NULL: OK. Why don't you give us some of what you have found in the literature, some of the problems with the flu vaccine and also they're claiming all this success. I question whether they can prove the success because you cannot disprove a negative.

DR EVA SNEAD: That's correct. Imagine, Gary, the gullibility of a public that not only believes that these companies give them a safe and effective product but that they give them the credence of a god that two years in advance when they start making these serums they know which particular kind of influenza is going to be causing the epidemic two years later. I mean you know these people have the utter gall to tell people that they can do it because they can't. This is based on computer predictions and so on which are totally inaccurate.
Now, you may remember the horrible epidemic of neurologic illness that we had in '76 and although the present day vaccines don't have that high an incidence even the package insert tells me that there's a higher incidence of Guillaine Barre which is a sort of euphemism for a variety of polio in all people under fifty that take the influenza vaccine. So imagine the risk you are running aside from the viruses, the cancer, the leukaemia. Two or three years ago there was a rash of positive HIV and hepatitis patients in Baltimore among people who would otherwise not be expected to have a positive test. When studied all of these people had received the influenza vaccine four to six weeks prior and this was rapidly covered up by the press as you were saying in your beautiful new article that told that the press in inquisitive today.

GARY NULL: Do you have an example of some of the guaranteed safety vaccines that have been given over the years only later to find out that the guarantees were unsupported by any credible science and actually were deleterious?

DR EVA SNEAD: There is no science, credible or otherwise, this is all guess work. I mean you can't test for something that hasn't happened and you can't test compared to what? I mean you don't know that there would have been an epidemic and certainly if you put a certain variety of viruses in the public then you will find they will say "Oh we were right. Virus A or B, Australian or South American or whatever you may call it will be endemic this year".
Well you know you become a self-fulfilling prophesy because you created the particular problem and not only that but the other thing that is very, very important that nobody has brought up to my knowledge is about forty years ago a study was done in England on problems with the nervous system in new born and unborn feutuses that were aborted and they discovered that the majority of children who had birth defects in the nervous system particularly and encephalus had been exposed to the flu virus. Flu virus, of course, being now in all the vaccines that people are vaccinated. In the south of Texas we are having a tremendous rash of these particular neurologic problems. Children born without a brain or part of a brain and everybody is telling the public "Oh we have not a clue of what could cause this". Well, we do have a clue, we're just lying to the public.

GARY NULL: Why do you think there's such an interest in getting people to get the flu vaccine. I realise that this is subjective and give us subjective answer.

DR EVA SNEAD: Well the manufacturer makes money. I mean that a very simple thing. They're seen as a wonderful product because they get the endorsement of government and health affiliations. He produces serum that costs you basically not that much to produce. You seduce the public into needing it and you sell millions and millions of doses so there's an awful lot of money to be made. Now from the point of view of public health, again there's money and grants to be made. I mean there are many people employed in persuading the public this problem exists and persuading them that they need it. And then of course, as you well know, we may suspect that there are other reasons that could be political or genocidal because the product is administered to large amounts of older people and as you well know in nursing homes where they receive flu vaccines there are many, many cases of flu shortly after the vaccination effort which indicates a total association and from a very crude point of view the perpetuation of life in older people particularly in nursing homes is not desirable to those that handle the funds. So of course we cannot prove this but it certainly presents a seductive hypothesis.
Again, that's a little too seductive for my taste. I haven't been able to make any such association but I would suggest that for them to tell us that the flu vaccines are both necessary ... I have not seen that they have either part of that scenario on hand.

GARY NULL:Dr Eva Snead thank you very much. Nice to always have you with us.

Source: SunToads Health News 91. Flu Vaccine

Well???...Take it if you must but as for me and my house, we will stay very far away from it!!
Love & Blessings!

By the way, when last did you poo? Check back next week for more on this…

Wednesday, 2 March 2011


 Natural remedies and herbal medicine Natural Remedies: Herbal and Medicinal Plants

Three things that everyone should know about cancer cells.  Doesn't matter what type or where they are located in the body, all cancer cells have 3 things in common.

1.) Oxygen KILLS Cancer Cells
2.) Sugar FEEDS Cancer Cells
3.) Cancer cells can not be cured, they must be killed.

 Chemotherapy is successful less than 5.0% of the time, radiation about 11.4%.  God is 100%.  Science has proven that the human body was Created perfectly and is designed to heal itself! God never made a mistake!

 What you need to understand is that Cancer CANNOT survive in your body if your PH level is above 7.5. If you check the PH level of all cancer patients it is always below 7 (most times it is 3 or 4), which means that it is at an Acidic Level. Once you bring the PH level up to 7.5 or 8 (to an Alkaline level) then your cancer cells will be destroyed. NO CHEMO NEEDED! just a couple of items from the health food store and a serious overhaul of your diet! Visit  a very good Health Food Store and get Cesium Carbonate; Spurilina and Coral Calcium and start to take them as directed. Change your diet to reduce your intake of meat, sugar and carbohydrates (as this also turns into sugar) and increase your intake of green veggies (such as asparagus, and bok choy) and red vegetables (such as beet and carrot). You should also get a package of PH Strips so that you can check your PH Level.

Cancer is the very easiest of all degenerative disease to understand.
Now that we understand the enemy it makes it much easier to destroy that enemy.

 What people need to know is that the medical mainstream is prohibited by law to tell their patients of any treatments outside of drugs (chemicals), radiation and/or surgery.  Their hands are tied by law but even more important is the fact that the medical schools and universities teach with curriculum that has been provided by and for the petro/chemical companies and medical industry.  This is the knowledge base that practitioners use in their diagnosis, prognosis, medical treatment plans and procedures.

Take back control of your health and start living!

Come back next week to find out whether you should take the Flu Shot!

(Parts of this adapted from Advanced Scientific Health research Group (ASH):