Three things that everyone should know about cancer cells. Doesn't matter what type or where they are located in the body, all cancer cells have 3 things in common.
1.) Oxygen KILLS Cancer Cells
2.) Sugar FEEDS Cancer Cells
3.) Cancer cells can not be cured, they must be killed.
Chemotherapy is successful less than 5.0% of the time, radiation about 11.4%. God is 100%. Science has proven that the human body was Created perfectly and is designed to heal itself! God never made a mistake!
What you need to understand is that Cancer CANNOT survive in your body if your PH level is above 7.5. If you check the PH level of all cancer patients it is always below 7 (most times it is 3 or 4), which means that it is at an Acidic Level. Once you bring the PH level up to 7.5 or 8 (to an Alkaline level) then your cancer cells will be destroyed. NO CHEMO NEEDED! just a couple of items from the health food store and a serious overhaul of your diet! Visit a very good Health Food Store and get Cesium Carbonate; Spurilina and Coral Calcium and start to take them as directed. Change your diet to reduce your intake of meat, sugar and carbohydrates (as this also turns into sugar) and increase your intake of green veggies (such as asparagus, and bok choy) and red vegetables (such as beet and carrot). You should also get a package of PH Strips so that you can check your PH Level.
Cancer is the very easiest of all degenerative disease to understand.
Now that we understand the enemy it makes it much easier to destroy that enemy.
What people need to know is that the medical mainstream is prohibited by law to tell their patients of any treatments outside of drugs (chemicals), radiation and/or surgery. Their hands are tied by law but even more important is the fact that the medical schools and universities teach with curriculum that has been provided by and for the petro/chemical companies and medical industry. This is the knowledge base that practitioners use in their diagnosis, prognosis, medical treatment plans and procedures.
Now that we understand the enemy it makes it much easier to destroy that enemy.
What people need to know is that the medical mainstream is prohibited by law to tell their patients of any treatments outside of drugs (chemicals), radiation and/or surgery. Their hands are tied by law but even more important is the fact that the medical schools and universities teach with curriculum that has been provided by and for the petro/chemical companies and medical industry. This is the knowledge base that practitioners use in their diagnosis, prognosis, medical treatment plans and procedures.
Take back control of your health and start living!
Come back next week to find out whether you should take the Flu Shot!
(Parts of this adapted from Advanced Scientific Health research Group (ASH): http://www.advancedhealthplan.com/page3.html
Great Information, keep it coming. I also think that a lot of people do not want to invest in eating healthy foods but they need to remember that it will cost so much more if they have to take medication in addition to a shortened life. There are tonnes of food that keeps the body alkaline and I look forward to seeing some on this blog
ReplyDeleteI agree with most of your dietary suggestions, but I have found that many of the people I knew who have died of cancer in recent years, especially bone cancer/multiple myeloma, were vegetarians. Can we conclude therefore that there is a correlation between vegetarianism and cancer? Could it be that the body needs essential animal proteins (i.e., meat) to maintain a healthy balance and ward off cancer? Hmm.... Food for thought. I think we should be careful with our meat reduction and not go overboard as people tend to go to the extreme when it comes to the increasing vegetable intake. Remember: we are omnivores by nature. I say we continue to "kill and eat" but have a good balance with fruits and vegetables. Vegetarianism is overrated and obviously, potentially dangerous.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your feedback Dahlia. The correlation between vegetarianism and cancer though is not caused from the vegetables, but from their intake of Soy. What most people do not know is that Soy is a cancer feeder so if there is a history of cancer in one's family then they should definitely stay away from soy. Most veterians consume a lot of soy as they use it to replace their meat. I will be doing a blog on this soon so keep checking!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your feedback Jasmine, I will definitely keep em coming!
ReplyDeleteThat wretched Soy!