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Sunday, 31 July 2011

THE TROUBLE WITH FRUCTOSE and its link to Obesity...

Fructose is a simple sugar which the body can and does use for energy. It does not cause blood sugar to rise tremendously (has a low glycemic index) so it was once considered a good substitute for table sugar. The thoughts on this have now been changing rapidly however by leading nutritional experts.
It is ok to consume the small amounts of fructose such as the amounts found in most fruits and vegetables. There is even evidence that a little fructose does help your body to process glucose properly. The problem arises when the consumption gets too much, which is the case today because of the amount of packaged foods that we consume on a daily basis.

What happens when you consume too much fructose?

Unlike other sugars such as sucrose (table sugar) and glucose (sugar from carbs), which are processed by the body using insulin, fructose on the other hand takes much longer to be processed as it is all processed by the liver. Note this: the body does take about a day to process the other sugars, however the liver will take up to 3 times longer! When too much fructose enters the liver, the liver cannot process it fast enough for the body to use it as sugar, so instead it starts to make fats from the fructose and send them off to the bloodstream as a thing called triglycerides. This in turn leads to heart diseases, obesity and also diabetes (as there is growing evidence that excess fructose consumption may facilitate insulin resistance and so eventually type 2 diabetes results.

So what are the main sources of fructose?

The problem is in a product called High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). As I have already noted, fruits and vegetables have relatively small amounts which the body can handle quite well.  The problem arises because the HFCS is being used to replace sugar in a whole lot of everyday foods. It is relatively cheap and so it has found its way into almost everything these days, from juices to cereals to bread! Even foods that are touted as being healthy for you (such as yogurt, vegetable and fruit dips, salad dressings and countless others) are packed to the brim with this HFCS! Look at these 5 regular everyday foods listed below in this article:

5 Sources of High-Fructose Corn Syrup in Your Diet 
Every day a large percentage of consumers take in hefty quantities of high fructose corn syrup. Most people don't even realize how much or where it's coming from. High fructose corn syrup has become a very commonly used sweetener and preservative due to the low cost to manufacturers. Sodas, fruit drinks, processed foods and even condiments contain the controversial ingredient. Some studies have shown a connection between consumption of these products and obesity, while other recent research suggests no link between the two. Regardless of who is right, the fact remains that high fructose corn syrup, like sugar, should only be consumed in moderation. Knowing some common sources and reading labels carefully can make modifying your intake easier. 

1. Soft Drinks and Fruit Punch 

High fructose corn syrup is the principal sweetener used in the manufacturing of soft drinks. This has been the case since the 1980s, when the switch was made from sugar because of the price. With the gradual increase of bottle sizes over the years, soft drinks have become one of the most common sources of high fructose corn syrup in the American diet. Unfortunately, when people decide to steer clear of soda, they often move over to fruit punches and juice drinks. They sound healthy, but many of them are also full of high fructose corn syrup. Choose drinks made with real fruit juice and no added sugars.

2. Breakfast Cereal 

Many children and adults eat cereal every day. It is a quick and cost effective solution for people on the go. Choose with care, though. All varieties of breakfast cereal, even the ones advertised as healthy, can be chock full of high fructose corn syrup. Fruit Loops and other sweetened cereals geared towards children are major culprits. Don't be fooled by the so-called healthy cereals for adults, either. Some HFCS-free options include Post Grape-Nuts, Life Cereal and Cheerios. Most organic cereals are free of corn syrup, but again, read all labels to be sure. 

3. Bread

Many Americans are leaving white bread behind in search of more fiber and less carbohydrates. Making the switch to wheat bread, however, doesn't always do the trick when it comes to weight loss. White bread and many wheat breads contain high fructose corn syrup. The best choices will be breads made with whole grains. 

4. Condiments

In an effort to be healthier, people are eating more salads and adding more fruit to their diets. Watch those low fat salad dressings, though. Eat whole fruits instead of jams and jellies. All three, along with ketchup and other sauces are filled to the brim with high fructose corn syrup. Another source is vegetable and fruit dips.  

5. Yogurt 

High fructose corn syrup is added to many yogurts not only as a sweetener, but to maintain the flavor and firmness of the fruit. It also helps to diminish the amount of separation between the liquids and solids in the mixture. More Americans are turning to yogurt to aid digestive disorders because of the probiotic content, but if the probiotics are competing with the sugars, most of the benefit is lost. Plain, unsweetened yogurt is best with whole fruit added for taste.
Be Blessed and Stay Healthy!

Other Sources:
American Diabetes Association. "Nutrition Recommendations and Interventions for Diabetes–2006." Diabetes Care 29 (2006): 2140-2157.
Bantle, John, et al. "Effects of dietary fructose on plasma lipids in healthy subjects." American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 72.5 (2000):1128-1134.
Elliott, Sharon, et al. "Fructose, weight gain, and the insulin resistance syndrome." American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 76.5 (2002): pages.
Teff, Karen, et al. "Dietary Fructose Reduces Circulating Insulin and Leptin, Attenuates Postprandial Suppression of Ghrelin, and Increases Triglycerides in Women." The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 89.6 (2004): 2963-2972.

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