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Saturday, 22 March 2014


- The most nutritious food source in the world!


What is Spirulina?

Spirulina is a type of algae specifically a water plant that has been considered as a rich source of food. For a long time now, spirulina has been used as a dietary supplement. One of the Spirulina Benefits is that it is an excellent source of vegetable protein. The level of protein that spirulina contains is said to be higher than the ones found in beef and fish. It also provides a lot of multivitamins such as Vitamin B12 as well as minerals such as Sodium, Potassium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus.

Spirulina supplement is actually one of the richest and most complete food source present in the world. It has over a 100 types of nutrients, more than any other type of grain, plant, or herb. The product is widely used as a food supplement to boost ones energy, maintain health, and reduce weight among other uses.

Spirulina is a great product that people can use to improve their overall health. Spirulina can help people prevent some serious health problems, such as allergies, diabetes, oral cancer, and obesity. Many doctors recommend the it and there is no side effect that can be caused by the consumption of Spirulina.

Spirulina contains many essential nutrients for human body. These nutrients are required by our body to grow properly. It has some important nutrients, such as B complex vitamins, vitamin E, and also beta-carotene. These vitamins are good for improving our overall health. This product also contains high amount of protein. Therefore, it is considered as one of the best protein sources for many people. It also contains some other nutrients, such as minerals, cholorphyll, and also antioxidants. These active ingredients are good to improve the overall human health.

The supplement actually contains about 60% of protein, 12-13% of vital minerals such as Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium, Iron, Zinc, and Phosphorous as well as a complete group of vitamin B. It’s also rich in several anti-oxidants, which protect body cells. In fact it is the only source of the antioxidant phycocyanin.

Spirulina is green in nature, and hence it contains a significant amount of phycocyanin and chlorophyll, the latter absorbs energy from the sun to manufacture carbohydrates which boosts your energy.

Some people due to various inevitable medical issues have been forced to become vegetarians, lack of animal meat in their body several amino acids unavailable for the normal metabolic processes of the body. To counter this, these individuals can take spirulina to fill these gaps as it is very rich in them.

Though spirulina can not instantly reduce ones weight, it comprises the necessary nutrients for our bodies that are quickly assimilated. It also contains a compound known as gamma linolenic acid; it is present in human breast milk and helps to enhance healthy baby development. Spirulina can also benefit individuals who suffer from both malnutrition and poor nutrition due to its high level of nutrients as well as ease of assimilation properties and helps our systems to absorb nutrients from the foods we take.

The Spirulina Benefits

Nature is considered as the basic source of every human need. While there are already beneficial microorganisms living inside a human’s body, there are still lots of microorganisms need by humans that can be found in nature.

Some of these microorganisms have already been used back then because of the benefits that these microorganisms contains. Spirulina is one of the microorganisms that hold very essential substances that are beneficial to human’s health. That is why various supplements have already been formulated out of it.

Spirulin benefits also contain beta-carotene that helps in protecting the cells and gamma-Linolein acid. Gamma-Linolein acid is considered to be beneficial because of its ability to reduce cholesterol and prevent any heart ailments.

Spirulina is a powerful antioxidant and due to that, many people are able to lose weight easily. One of the most vital spirulina benefits, which were proven by research, is that it can aid in fighting cancer and any viral illnesses. It is also proven to enhance a person’s immune system. It was also proven that spirulina helps in increasing the libido level of individuals.

As mentioned, spirulina benefits are not a new knowledge from the human race anymore because as it was said, spirulina supplements have already been long used even before. Due to that, individuals already know its capability and what it can offer to them.

Aside from the mentioned spirulina benefits, this supplement is also proven to protect the person against various kinds of infections such as AIDS and influenza. It also contains lots of amino acids, which is considered to be one of the most helpful substances that can help in preventing different kinds of heart diseases.

By taking spirulina, you will be assured that you will get a total health benefit because it does not only help in preventing heart diseases but also prevent depression and diabetes.

Another benefit of spirulina is that, like green tea, it is also one of the most natural anti-aging products that can be found in the market. For those people who have a problem with their metabolism, you can just take spirulina and your metabolism will be improved. Spirulina also have the capability to strengthen your teeth and your bones as well as improve you eyesight. Once you have taken spirulina, you will be assured that you will get a total health benefit.

There are therefore several health benefits that individuals can experience by taking supplements that are made from these algae. So why not pay a visit to your health food store and pick up a bottle?

Stay blessed



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