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Friday, 1 April 2011


To say that Soy has been a nutritional star in the health food world is almost an understatement! Soy is now in almost everything we eat and drink and what is even more important is that we are feeding it to our kids! Vegetarians eat it in every way and form as it is used to replace protein. So what really is the Soy story?

The results of my search have been quite alarming and not many people will want to hear this, however, I feel compelled to share what my findings are. In summary, Soy can adversely affect your health:

  1. Soy is cross reactive with wheat and can set off a range of inflammatory conditions in your system! It has potent allergen properties.
  2. Soy is also packed with estrogen and since this is believed to be a link to breast cancer in women then women should seriously contemplate whether they want to be drinking soy milk or eating tofu on a daily basis! If you have ancestors and other family members who have had cancer then you should definitely be staying away from soy. Also, is there any wonder why so many little boys these days are thinking they should be girls and then grow up in sexual confusion?
  3. Soy can compromise the thyroid function and lead to a condition called hypothyroidism (do you notice how many persons have been suffering from this lately?)
  4. Soy can block the absorption of protein and interfere with the function of the pancreas ( do you also notice how pancreatic cancer has been on the rise?)
  5. Soy can block the absorption of key minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron (which is the main reason why people with cancer cells will deteriorate rapidly if they are feeding their body with soy!)

Below I have attached the transcript of 2 interviews done by Raena Morgan [host of iHealthTube] you can go on the link provided in my sources below and watch the actual videos of the interviews, however I believe things have a better impact when we read it in black and white…so I suggest you read the transcripts first.

In this health video you will learn the truth about soy.
Raena Morgan: Hi, I’m Raena Morgan with iHealthTube, visiting with Dr. Sherrill Sellman.We’re talking about good nutrition. And Dr. Sellman—soy—it’s been a nutritional star in the health food world, but there’s been some controversy about it lately. Could you discuss that with us?

Dr. Sherrill Sellman: I’d love to. You know, soy has been promoted, has been marketed to be a nutritional star. We’ve heard so much about it. It took about 50 years to convince the American public that soy should be eaten. But there’s another side to soy that we really need to understand. I used to eat a lot of soy as a vegetarian, which I am no longer, I’m a recovering vegetarian. I would eat tons of soy and I thought it was a really good food. So, let me just dispel some of those myths and give you some of the facts. First of all, the Asians are not healthier people because they eat soy. Soy is not a staple in Asia and I have actually lived in Asia, Southeast Asia, and I can tell you, for a fact, it is not. The Chinese eat an average of two teaspoons a day of soy, and the Japanese may do a couple of tablespoons a day.

Raena Morgan: That’s not very much.

Dr. Sherrill Sellman: No, it’s not very much. And the kind of soy these people eat is basically in a fermented form. So, soy came from Asia. It was never considered a very nutritional food. It was when they learned to ferment it, in the form of miso by the Japanese, particularly, and in another form called naso, that they were able to make it digestible. Up until that point it was only used in times of famine when they had nothing else; they would never eat the soybeans. It was used more to put nitrogen into the soil. So, the best way, and the only way I really recommend people eat soy is in fermented form. The reason why we have a problem with soy is because there are some health concerns [about the] effects of eating soy. Right now soy flour is just in about every bread you buy.

Raena Morgan: That’s right.

Dr. Sherrill Sellman: You have soy milk, you have soy nuts, you have soy oil, [it’s] just proliferated. But the fact of the matter is, soy is a very dangerous food, it’s one of the top most allergic foods you can eat. We know wheat is allergic, we know milk—these are highly allergic foods, [regarding] food allergies. Soy is cross reactive with wheat; it’s extremely allergic, it will create a range of inflammatory conditions. And we’re a very allergic society. You know, people have lots of allergy issues, and soy contributes to that. The other thing about soy is that it interferes with thyroid function. Actually it’s called goitergenic, the term; it actually will block the action of your thyroid. Several tablespoons a day [are] enough soy to actually have an effect on your thyroid, and we’re a society that also has a tremendous amount of issues with thyroid problems.

Raena Morgan: Right.

Dr. Sherrill Sellman: So, one of the known effects of soy is that its goitergenic and it will compromise thyroid function leading to hypothyroidism….It increases the need for the body’s vitamin D, you have to take more vitamin D. It’s a very inefficient form of B12; it will not supply the body’s requirement for B12. It also is a trypsin inhibitor; it will block the absorption of protein and interfere with the function of the pancreas. And aside from that, it also blocks the absorption of key minerals such as calcium, magnesium and zinc and iron. So it's (soy) a terrible food to give to children. And one other thing I have to say is it’s very estrogenic. Now, the popular form of some infant formulas and a lot of people are using soy because their babies are allergic to milk, or whatever, but, in actual fact, it’s a very poor, it’s a very bad form of formula for children. One of the reasons why? If a baby is fed solely on soy formula it’s like giving that baby 5 birth control pills a day, [that’s] the amount of estrogen. You get 13,000 to 22,000 times more estrogen in, circulating in a baby’s body, then if they were taking a milk formula. And that can lead to conditions later in life, such as, this growing problem of early puberty that we have—1 out of 6 8 year olds going through puberty. Feeding children, little girls and little boys, who also have reproductive abnormalities from doing the soy infant formula, can create a whole host of problems that can be with these children for the rest of their lives. So, if you’re going to do soy, it’s nutritious as a fermented food. Tofu, by the way, is not fermented. We’re talking tempeh, we’re talking miso and we’re talking naso, and any other form of soy be very judicious of its use. Only use a small amount. I occasionally use a little soy milk in my coffee because I don’t like milk, but that’s about it. And there are much more nutritious foods out there that will not have the health effects, the detrimental effects, and can really provide us with our nutritional needs much better. And there’s one more thing I want to add about soy. Most of the soy you get, unless it says organic, is a GMO— genetically, modified organism, which means it has been tampered with. More and more research is coming out showing that GMO foods have serious debilitating effects to our health. So, you do not want to be eating GMO foods, and unless it says organic soy, it is probably GMO. And also the major grower and distributor of soy tried to get the government to give it a GRAS labeling, generally recognized as safe, but when all the literature and science was presented, that request was denied. So, it is not recognized as a generally recognized as safe product, which should be telling us something quite important about the effects of soy on our health.

Raena Morgan: Well, thank you for telling us the other side of the soy story. Thank you very much Dr. Sellman.

Dr. Sherrill Sellman: You’re welcome

In this health video you will learn why eating soy isn't always the best for you.
Raena: Soy is something that remixed estrogen and we shouldn’t be using that right?

Ori: The soy is one of the biggest food policy that human encounter. And I’d like to address it in couple second.

Raena: Okay.

Ori: Soy, based on question is an estrogenic food. The soy is flame special ganister has shown again and again that—estrogen combined. Research of soy is done by soybean manufacturer, so yes, we see a lot of positive that it have anti-cancers and anti—but what they don’t show is the disturbing evidence. That soy actually can cause cancer in men and women who are prone, who suffer from cancer that soy can cause retardation of growth in amount of infants. That soy does promote, especially product of soy like soy milk, soy protein isolate can definitely cause damage. You cannot ignore it. There are other few foods that promote estrogen like Omega 6 oil or the oil that you think that has canola, Mazola, corn oil. All these oils have shown in other species, I mean use to promote estrogen. We need to counteract it. Yes, soy which is one of the most popular health food item. You should avoid it in my opinion.

Raena: I will do that from this point on. Thank you.

In concluding I am not suggesting you should cut soy entirely from your diet, however, as you can see above, it is definitely not an item to be ‘feeding on’ on a daily basis!

Love and Blessings and stay healthy!

Toxins…do you know how much is in your system?...check back next week for more on this!


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  3. Good. Tofu should be banned! It tastes God awful anyway and I find that people who eat it are for the most part just too damn cheap to buy meat or fish!

  4. |Very interesting!!! Given that I am "north American" lactose intolerant and soy recommended to me by my doctor. Also, the part in the article above about It was used more to put nitrogen into the soil, is so very true. In the 80's (yes I am that old) we intercropped soy and peas in the cane fields to add nitrogen, and few fed it to animals - now it is a staple.

    Nice topic Sharon
