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Friday, 8 April 2011


“Most of the diseases of aging – vascular, most cancers, arthritis and others – have been shown to be associated with toxic metals and persistent organic pollutants. Vascular diseases, stroke, heart attack plus most of the cancers and macular degeneration have been directly linked to lead. And that’s just lead!” Robert Nash M.D

What are toxins and where do they come from?

Toxins are simply any material or compound that is foreign to the human body which has an undesirable negative effect on it. They can originate from various sources such as industry, burning, waste processing, manufacturing etc. Most toxins are synthetic (man made) compounds that are found around the average household that somehow find their way in our food, our drinking water, the air we breathe and in our soil. Toxins are more prevalent now in this industrial age than before and they are becoming even more prevalent with the increases in technology and industrialization. This prevalence is being discovered more and more to have lead to a toxic state of the average human body which results in the onset of a myriad of diseases! It is not coincidence that you know more persons dying from cancer and other degenerative diseases than your parents did! Thankfully, science is now discovering the relationship between persistent exposure to toxins and the human body’s systems with the resulting health conditions that occur because of the dysfunction of these systems.

Some common toxins:
[adapted from soundconcepts:]

PCBs: Industrial insulators and lubricants. Banned in the US in 1976. Persist for decades in the environment. Accumulate up the food chain to man. Cause cancer and nervous system problems.

DIOXINS: Pollutants, by-products of PVC production, industrial bleaching and incineration. Persist for decades in the environment. Very toxic to developing endocrine (hormone) system.

FURANS: by-products of Plastics production, industrial bleaching and incineration.  Expected to cause cancer in man. Persist for decades in the environment. Very toxic to developing endocrine (hormone) system.

METALS: Lead, Mercury, Arsenic and Cadium. Cause lowered IQ, developmental delays, behavioural disorders and cancer (at doses found in the environment).

PHTHALATES: Plasticizers, cause birth defects of male reproductive organs. Found in a wide range of cosmetic and personal care products as well as children’s toys. Some phthalates recently banned in Europe.

VOLATILE/SEMI-VOLATILE ORGANIC CHEMICALS: Industrial solvents and gasoline ingredients like xylene and ethyl benzene. Toxic to nervous system, some heavily used SCOCs (benzene) cause cancer.

ORGANOCHLORINE INSECTICIDES: DDT, Chlordane and other pesticides. Largely banned in the US. Accumulate up the food chain to man. Cause cancer and numerous reproductive effects.

ORGANOPHOSPHATE INSECTICIDE METABOLITES: Potent nervous system toxicants. Most common source of exposure is residues in food. Recently banned for indoor uses.

“Toxicology textbooks list the first symptoms of chronic poisoning as low energy, fatigue, muscle weakness, inability to concentrate and intestinal complaints.” Jeffery Bland Ph.D., The 20 Day Rejuvenation Diet Program

How to Detoxify:
First of all you should lighten up your toxic load by eliminating alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, saturated fat, refined sugar as they all act as toxins to your body and are obstacles to your healing process (did you know that 1 teaspoonful of sugar compromises your immune system for up to 4 hours? I was shocked when my Naturepath told me this recently!) You should also eliminate the use of chemical based household cleaning products and personal care products and substitute with natural alternatives as soon as you can. You should also make every effort to eliminate stress from your life as it triggers your body to release stress hormones into your system.  The stress hormones can (in large amounts) create toxins which slows down the detoxification enzymes in the liver. So in detoxifying, you should also include a process of detoxing stressful situations from your life (detoxifying your soul). You can do this by developing a meditative relationship with your creator and draw on the inner peace which comes from that.

There are many methods that are in use these days to detoxify the body. Here are the most common ones [
  • Colon cleansing: colon is the sewer system of the body and if this gets choked then you can imagine the problems that occur if the sewer of the street is choked. The choking of colon can lead to constipation and production of poisonous gasses which in turn is harmful for the body. The cleaning of this part of the body is really easy. The doctor will insert a pipe inside your body and then a flow of warm water is thrown into the body. This cleans the colon and it might take 4-5 sittings with the doctor.
  • Ion footbath detoxification: this is the most relaxing way to get rid of the toxins present in the body. You just have to sit on the chair, with your feet dipped into the water container. A flow of warm water will flow under your feet and the positive and negative ions in the water will attach themselves to the toxins present in the body. Toxins that are insoluble will also dissolve in this water.
  • Herbal way to clean your body is the best way for inner body cleaning. Not only this is cheap but also improves your eating habits. There are herbal products also available in the market. The other advantage of this method is that it does not have any side effects and hence is safe.
The herbal supplements that are most effective are ones containing Zeolites; Chlorophyll; Spurilina; Wheat Grass. A juice fast is also quite effective. A simple effective home remedy for detoxifying is warm water with lemon juice.

“In my opinion, based on the evidence, every single chronic insidious disease process is related to one word – toxicity. You cannot address the issues of aging unless you address detoxification.” Rashid O. Buttar, D.O.

Stay Blessed and Stay Healthy!

Do you want to know what is in the meat you are eating? Check back next week!


  1. Very interesting article. if I decide to do the warm water with lemon juice cleanse, whats the frequency and duration of administration? seems like the easist one.

  2. You can have a glass (8 ozs) of warm water with 2ozs of organic lemon juice (1 large juicy lemon) every night (for a couple of day (3-5) before bedtime and that will effectively cleanse your liver and kidney of toxins.

    To use it to cleanse your colon try having it 3 times for the day and consume only juices, fruits and veggies for that day. You can do this anywhere from 3-5 days.

    Hope this helps!

  3. OMG. WOW. This is serious no wonder there are so many incidents of cancer. We are now fighting to stay alive, we are really our worst enemies.

    Thank you for the information.
